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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Main Nue--Player Rankings--September 19, 2016

Main Nue complete player rankings are available on the player rankings page (Under "Main Nue") on the right side of the main blog page. You can also find how these rankings are calculated there.

Complete Player Rankings as of September 19, 2016. Current through Tournoi de Mendionde. (Source: Esku Pilota)

Top 5:
de Ezcurra

Baptiste Ducassou's top ranking lasted 29 days. In the last two tournamnents (Sare and Mendione) he failed to advance past the semi-finals while Peio Larralde (paired with Pascal de Ezcurra) won both tournaments. Larralde reclaimed the top rank. de Ezcurra, since August 1, 2016, has moved from 9th to 3rd. Bixintxo Bilbao moved back into the top 5 for the first time since August 10. Peio Guichandut fell to 6th.

Complete Player Rankings as of September 14, 2016.  (Source: Esku Pilota)

Top 5:
de Ezcurra