Necol--Ibai-Perez defeated Zubiri--Imanol 3-1 (10-6, 5-10, 10-8, 10-9) at Bizkaia (Bilbo (Bilbao)) on June 18, 2016
Related Story about the New Innpala Generation (Deia)
This story emphasized the amazing fact that this was the first final in three years without either Gaubeka, Fusto, or both participating. It noted the youth of three of the four players and how Pala has moved in the direction of the short court over the years. It was a great contextual article for one who is new to the sport. It also emphasized the possible transition from the dominance of these two players. Of course they are still active, and will have something to say about that.
MY ARTICLE: Complete rundown of scores and standings of Bizkaia Open, week by week..
Full Match Video (Source: EITB) Match begins at 1 hour, 6 minutes, 36 seconds on the recording.
Single points from variou Bizkaia Tournament matches, along with some practice sessions. (Source: Innpala Fronton Facebook Page videos).
Scroll to "Open Bizkaia" e torneo". One video before that is the last point of the final match. Each video from there on until you see "Mungia 2016" is a video of a single point from a match or a practice session. Scroll over any video after you have loaded it and you will be able to make it full screen. Hit the escape key after it ends and go to the next video. Use the back arrow key to get back to the blog. All videos are less than two minutes long.