For complete Miami Jai Alai coverage, Day by Day, Weekly, and Cumulative see the Miami Jai Alai Daily Report.
After following the first Month (December 2020) of the Miami Jai Alai Season, I have come to believe that any Day (it is simply easier for analytic and statistical purposes to combine Miami's three daily 8 game Performances into one 24 game Day) that a player wins 5 games or more (each player plays between 8 and 12) is a notable day.
8. 1 Alex (12/2)
7. 1 Goiko (12/4)
7. 6 Goiko (1/13)
6. Julen (12/16)
6. 3 Goiko (12/7)
5. 9 Goiko (1/23)
5. 8 Goiko (1/22)
5. Frank (1/22)
5. 7 Goiko (1/18)
5. 5 Goiko (1/11)
5. Cisneros (1/7)
5. 3 Lopez (1/2)
5. 2 Lopez (1/1/21)
5. Carlos (1/1)
5. Manuel (12/28)
5. 4 Goiko (12/13)
5. 3 Alex (12/9)
5. 2 Goiko (12/5)
5. Toto (12/5)
5. 2 Alex (12/3)
5. 1 Lopez (12/3)
9 of the 23 players on the roster have won 5 or more games in a Day. Alex has done it twice (on consecutive days). Lopez have done it three times (including once on consecutive days). Goiko has done it nine times (twice on consecutive days) . Five of the 21 (24%) 5+UP wins happened the first week of the season, before the Dania players joined the roster. Since then the feat has been achieved 16 times in 7 weeks.
I thought it might be interesting and entertaining to look at each 5+UP Days (from the beginning of Week 6 (January 6-11) in a bit of detail. That is the purpose of this post.
The post will literally look (direct pointer to video of the game, from the time the player entered it) at each win. It will break down the win, point by point, and provide statistics for each game and cumulatively for all wins. Note that the video will begin when the player enters the game but will not skip to the next time he player returns after losing a point. Perfect games will include the entire game from the point the winner entered.
Note: Source for all videos is Jai Alai Channel Youtube
Opponent Abbreviation (see Opponent Key)
Balls in Play
Round +(winner) -(error) Note that + or - identifies either a winner or an error ended the point. To see whose winner/error it was, look at the S 7 (or 9) column below. If the number does not increase it means that the winner lost that point (either by an opponent's winner or the winner's error). If that number increases it means the winner won the point, either by his winner or his opponent's error). Scoring is mine. Yours may be different
Type of Winner/Error that ended the point (see Scoring Key)
Spectacular 7 or 9 points (1 point in the first round, 2 in all subsequent rounds)
Actual points
Points record against each opponent
Total balls in play for the game.
Winner's Actual Points won and lost (+ winners or - errors in both cases--broken down by type)
Added January 19. Opponents's Post # and number of Spectacular 7 or 9 points at the time of the match up.
Note: In Quiniela Jai Alai the points are played in a "rotation" of the Post Positions (1 v 2, winner plays the next point agains #3, loser goes to the "back of the line", etc.). The match up wins in the first round are worth one point. Match up wins in the all subsequent rounds are worth two. Matches are played to 7 "Spectacular Scoring" points (each Game 5 is played to 9 points for purposes of Superfecta wagering). Each match has 8 contestants. The color/number on the front of the shirt identifies Post Position. The number on the back of the shirt is the player's personal number.
Day 44: January 23, 2021 (Goiko (L) (#43); 5 wins
Matinee: Game 2, Post 2; G4P7; G5P4; Twilight: G2P5; G3P6
Unfortunately, there is no video available for these wins.
Day 43: January 22, 2021 (Goiko (L) (#43); 5 wins. Frank (E) (#15); 5 wins
Goiko #43: Matinee: Game 1 Post 4; G4P4, G5P5, G8P8; Twilight: G1P3
Frank #15: Evening: G1P3; G3P1; G4P2; G5P3; G7P1
1. Goiko:
Best Point (Win #3, Game 5, Matinee) v Jairo (11 balls in play)
(Video). Goiko makes two great saves before Jairo wins the point with a perfect Chic Chac.
"Late" Opponent Key:
Am=Amigorena; Ar=Aritz; C=Cisneros; E=Erik; F=Foronda; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez
Scoring Key:
Winners: R=Rebote (Rebound); A=From the Apron
CC=Chic Chac (pelota bounces to back wall so low it can't be returned);
Ch=Chula (pelota hits back wall on fly so low it can't be returned);
D=Dejada (drop shot);
2W=2 Walls (either left-front or front-left);
P=Picada (overhand big bounce);
LW=Left Wall;
OP=Outside (away from left wall) Pass;
IP=Inside Pass;
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing; f=Service fault
Goiko #43: Matinee: Game 1 Post 4; G4P4, G5P5, G8P8; Twilight: G1P3
Opponent F,La,Am,E,Lo E,L
O Post 3,5, 6, 7,8 7,8
O S7 Points 1,0, 0, 0,0 2,1
Balls in Play 8,9, 9, 3,8 4,5
Round 1 - + + - + Round 2 + +
Scoring t,Ch,CC,t,Ch Ch,TW
S7 Points 1,2, 3, 4,4 6, W
Actual Points: Won 6 (+4 -2 ); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v F 1-0, La 1-0, Am 1-0, E 2-0, Lo 1-1
Total BIP: 46
W (+ 2 Ch, 1 CC, 1 TW ) (-2 t) L (+ 1 Ch) (- 0)
Opponent F Lo F,E,La
O Post 4,6 4,7,8
O S7 Points 1,0 3,0,0
Balls in Play 2,4 2,9,7
Round 1 - + Round 2 - + +
Scoring c,D c,D TW
S7 Points 1,1 3,5,W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2 ); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v F 2-0, Lo 0-1, E 1-0, La 1-0
Total BIP: 24
W (+ 1 D, 1 TW ) (- 2 c) L (+ 1 D) (-0)
Opponent J E, J,Am,La,F
O Post 4 2, 4,7, 6, 1
O S9 Points 1 4, 2,0, 2, 0
Balls in Play 11 6, 3,7, 5, 8
Round 1 + Round 2 + - + + -
Scoring CC CC,c,CC,Ch,t
S9 Points 0 2, 4,6, 8, W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+3 -2); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v J 1-1, E 1-0, Am 1-0, La 1-0, F 1-0
Total BIP: 40
W (+ 2 CC, 1 Ch) (- 1 c 1 t) L (+ CC) (-0)
Opponent La,C,Lo,E F,J
O Post 4, 6,7, 8 2,3
O S7 Points 1, 0,0, 0 0,0
Balls in Play 4, 7,5, 1 5,5
Round 1 + + + - Round 2 + +
Scoring TW,D,CC,t IP,CC
S7 Points 1, 2,3, 4 6, W
Actual Points: Won 6 (+5 -1); Lost 0
v La 1-0, C 1-0, Lo 1-0, E 1-0, F 1-0, J 1-0
Total BIP: 27
W (+ 2 CC, 1 TW, 1 D, 1 IP ) (- 1 t ) L 0
Opponent La Am,E, La,Ar
O Post 1 2, 4, 1, 6
O S7 Points 1 2, 0, 3, 0
Balls in Play 3 Round 2 6, 3, 7, 3
Round 1 + + + + +
Scoring TW CC,IP,D, CC
S7 Points 0 2, 4,6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+4 -0); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v La 1-1, Am 1-0, E 1-0, Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 22
W (+ 2 CC, 1 IP, 1 D) (- 0) L 1 (+ 1 TW ) L (0)
Won 25 points; Lost 4 points
25 winning points: 18 winners; 7 opponents' errors
18 Winning points +: (7 CC, 3,Ch, 3 TW, 3 D, 2 IP)
7 Opponents errors -: (4 t,3 c)
4 losing points: 4 opponents winners; 0 Goiko errors
3 Oppononents winners: (1 Ch, 1 D, 1 CC, 1 TW)
0 Goiko errors
v Amigorena 3-0; Aritz 1-0; Cisneros 1-0; Erik 6-0; Foronda 5-0; Jairo 2-1; Ladutxe 5-1; Lopez 2-2
Total Balls in Play for all points: 159
Goiko +18 -0
Opponents +4 -7
Total score for the 5 wins: +22 -7 (.750)
Non-error Percent: (BIP- errors) / BIP) (152/159) (.956)
Average balls per point: 6.4
Longest point: 11 v Jairo (Win 3, Matinee Game 5 -- Goiko loses the point).
Perfect Games: 1
Possible Game Points stopped by Goiko: 0
2. Frank (E)
Evening: G1P3; G3P1; G4P2; G5P3; G7P1
Best Point: Game 4, v Vega (7 Balls in Play). Frank peels two very nice saves off the side wall before throwing an excellent Two Wall outside Chic Chac to win the point.
"Early" Opponent key
Al=Alex; Ar=Aratz; Ca=Carlos; Cr=Crizz; G=Gallo; J=Julen; M=Manuel; S=Sierra I; T=Toto
Scoring Key:
Winners: R=Rebote (Rebound); A=From the Apron
CC=Chic Chac (pelota bounces to back wall so low it can't be returned);
Ch=Chula (pelota hits back wall on fly so low it can't be returned);
D=Dejada (drop shot);
2W=2 Walls (either left-front or front-left);
P=Picada (overhand big bounce);
LW=Left Wall;
OP=Outside (away from left wall) Pass;
IP=Inside Pass;
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing; f=Service fault
Frank #15: Evening: G1P3; G3P1; G4P2; G5P3; G7P1
Opponent S, Ar S, M,Ar
O Post 1, 4 1, 5,4
O S7 Points 1, 0 3, 0,2
Balls in Play 4, 4 4, 3 5
Round 1 + + Round 2 + + +
Scoring TW,TW CC,P,TW
S7 Points 1, 1 3, 5,W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+4 -0); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v S 2-0, Ar 1-1, M 1-0
Total BIP: 20
W (+ 2 TW, 1 CC, 1 P) (- 0 ) L (+ 1 TW) L (0)
Opponent Al,G, Cr G, Cr,T
O Post 2, 3, 4 3, 4, 5
O S7 Points 0, 0, 0 2, 1, 1
Balls in Play 1, 3, 2 4, 3, 3
Round 1 - + + Round 2 + + -
Scoring c, TW,OP TW,LW,c
S7 Points 1, 2, 2 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+3 -2); Lost 1 (+1 -0)
v Al 1-0, G 2-0, Cr 1-1, T 1-0
Total BIP: 16
W (+ 2 TW, 1 LW) (- 2 c) L (+ 1 OP ) (-0)
Opponent V, Ca,Cr Ca,Cr,G
O Post 1, 3, 4 3, 4, 6
O S7 Points 0, 0, 0 2, 1, 0
Balls in Play 4, 3, 2 6 3 1
Round 1 + + - Round 2 + - -
Scoring TW,OP,c TW,t, c
S7 Points 1, 2, 2 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+3 -2); Lost 1 (+0 -1)
v V 1-0, Ca 2-0, Cr 1-1, G 1-0
Total BIP: 19
W (+ 2 TW, 1 OP ) (- 1 c 1 t) ) L (+0) (- 1 c)
*Lost a possible game point to Gallo
Opponent V T,V, J,S,G J
O Post 2 1,2, 4,6,7 4
O S9 Points 1 2,2, 1,0,0 5
Balls in Play 3 4,7(!)3,5,2 4
Round 1 - Round 2 - + + + - Round 3 +
Scoring c t,CC, P,D,c TW
S9 Points 0 2,4, 6,8,8* W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+4 -1); Lost 2 (+0 -2)
v V 1-1, T 1-0, J 2-0, S 1-0, G 0-1
Total BIP: 24
W (+ 1 CC, 1 P, 1 D, 1 TW) (- 1 c 1 t) ) L (+0) (- 2 c)
Opponent S,G, J,V, Ar,Ca,Cr
O Post 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8
O S7 Points 0,0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0
Balls in Play 3,3, 1,3, 3, 3, 1
Round 1 - + - + +, + -
Scoring t,TW,t,TW,CC,TW,t
S7 Points 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 7 (+4 -3 ); Lost 0
v S 1-0, G 1-0, J 1-0, V 1-0, Ar 1-0, Ca 1-0, Cr 1-0
Total BIP: 17
W (+ 3 TW, 1 CC ) (- 3 t) ) L 0
Won 26 points; Lost 5 points
26 winning points: 18 winners; 8 opponents' errors
18 Winning points +: (10 TW, 3 CC, 2 P, 1 LW, 1 OP, 1 D)
8 Opponents errors -: (5 t, 3 c)
5 losing points: 2 opponents winners; 3 Frank errors
2 Opponents winners: (1 TW, 1 OP)
3 Frank errors (3 c)
v Alex 1-0; Aratz 2-1; Carlos; 3-0; Crizz 3-2; Gallo 4-1; Julen 3-0; Manuel 1-0; Sierra I 4-0; Toto 2-0; Vega 3-1
Total Balls in Play for all points: 96
Frank +18 -3
Opponents +2 -8
Total score for the 5 wins: +20 -11 (.645)
Non-error Percent: (BIP- errors) / BIP) (85/96) (.885)
Average balls per point: 3.1
Longest point: 7 v Vega (Win 4 Game 5).
Perfect Games: 1
Possible Game Points Lost: 1 (to Gallo, Win 4, Game 5)
Day 40, January 18, 2021: Goiko (L) (#43): 6 wins (the 7th time he has won 5 or more games in a Day). All of the Posts but one were from Post 6 or 8.
Notable. In as dominating a Day as you will see, Goiko won 3 perfect games and committed 0 errors. His +16 -0 was also a "perfect" day. He won with 5 different throws, from the apron once, and with three rebotes.
Matinee: Game 2, Post 8; G4P6; G6P2; G7P8
Twilight: G1P6, G3P2
Best Point (Win # 4, G7, Matinee, Game winning point). 13 balls in play. Ladutxe makes 2 brilliant falling rebote saves from deep in the back court, to no avail, as Goiko nails the point with a two wall winner.
"Late" Opponent Key:
Am=Amigorena; C=Cisneros; E=Erik; F=Foronda; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez (Aritz did not play today).
Scoring Key:
Winners: R=Rebote (Rebound); A=From the Apron
CC=Chic Chac (pelota bounces to back wall so low it can't be returned);
Ch=Chula (pelota hits back wall on fly so low it can't be returned);
D=Dejada (drop shot);
2W=2 Walls (either left-front or front-left);
P=Picada (overhand big bounce);
LW=Left Wall;
OP=Outside (away from left wall) Pass;
IP=Inside Pass;
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing; f=Service fault
Opponent C E;Lo; J
O Post 6 2,3, 4
O S7 Points 2 0,0, 0
Balls in Play 2 7,3, 5
Round 1 - Round 2 - + +
Scoring c t R2W,CC
S7 Points 1 3,5 W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2); Lost 0
v C 1-0, E 1-0, Lo 1-0, J 1-0
Total BIP: 15
W (+ 1 R2W, 1 CC) (-1 c, 1 t) L 0
Opponent Am,E, Lo J,F
O P 5, 7, 8 1,3
O S7 Points 1, 0, 0 0,0
BIP 2, 5, 3 5,3
Round 1 - + + Round 2 - +
Scoring t CC,2W c CC
S7 Points 1, 2, 3 5,W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+3 -2) Lost 0
v Am 1-0, E 1-0, Lo 1-0, J 1-0, F 1-0
Total BIP: 18
W (+ 2 CC, 1 2W) (-1 c, 1 t) L 0
Opponent La Lo,C, F, Am
O P 2 8 3, 4, 5
O S7 Points 0 1, 0, 0, 0
BIP 5 2, 9, 11, 9
Round 1 + Round 2 - + +
Scoring Ch c A2W RIP Ch
S7 Points 0 2, 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+3 -1) Lost 1 (+1)
v La 0-1, Lo 1-0, C 1-0, F, 1-0, Am 1-0
Total BIP: 36
W (+ 1 Ch, 1 A2W, 1 RIP) (- 1 c) L (+1 Ch)
Opponent Am E, J,La
O P 4 2, 1,3
O S7 Points 4 0, 1,1
BIP 6 5, 3 13
Round 1 + Round 2 + - +
Scoring IP IP,c,2W
S7 Points 1 3, 5,W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+3 -1) Lost 0
v Am 1-0, E 1-0, J 1-0, La 1-0
Total BIP: 27
W (+2 IP, 1 2W) (-1 c) L 0
*=Possible Game Point for Lopez
Opponent E Lo*,F, Am J
O P 5 3, 7, 8, 1
O S7 Points 1 6, 0, 0, 0
BIP 7 4, 5, 7, 3
Round 1 + Round 2 - + + Round 3 +
Scoring D t CC,2W CC
S7 Points 0 2, 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+3 -1) Lost 1 (+1)
v E 0-1, Lo 1-0, F 1-0, Am 1-0, J 1-0
Total BIP: 26
W (+2 CC, 1 2W) (-1 c) L (+1 D)
Opponent La E, J, La,F
O P 1 7, 3, 1, 5
O S7 Points 0 2, 0, 2, 0
BIP 3 8, 3, 9, 1
Round 1 + Round 2 + + - -
Scoring LW 2W,ROP,c, t
S7 Points 0 2, 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2) Lost 1 (+1)
v La 1-1, E 1-0, J 1-0, F 1-0
Total BIP: 24
W (+ 1 2W 1 ROP) (- 1 c 1 t) L (+ 1 LW)
Won 25 points; Lost 3 points
25 winning points: 16 winners; 9 opponents' errors
16 Winning points +: (6 2W [1R, 1A], 5 CC, 3 IP [1R] 1 Ch, 1 OP [1R])
9 Opponents errors -: (6 c, 3 t)
3 losing points: 3 opponents winners; 0 Goiko errors
3 Oppononents winners: (1 Ch, 1 D, 1 LW)
0 Goiko errors
v Amigorena 4-0; Cisneros 2-0; Erik 4-1; Foronda 4-0; Jairo 5-0; Ladutxe 2-2; Lopez 4-0
Total Balls in Play for the points: 144
Goiko +16 -0
Opponents 3+ 9-
Total score for the 6 wins: +19 -9 (.679)
Non-error Percent: (BIP- errors) / BIP) (.937)
Average balls per point: 5.1
Longest point: 13 v Ladutxe (Win 4, Matinee Game 7 )
Perfect Games: 3
Possible Game Points Goiko stopped: 1
Day 35, January 13, 2021: Goiko (L) (#43): 7 wins (the 5th time he has won 5 or more games in a Day). In the last two days and 20 games, he has won 12 (.600). He has now won 7 games in a Day twice this season.
Matinee; Game 1, Post 6; G2P1; G3P4; G5P3; G6P2; G8P8
Twilight: G2P3
Best Point: (Video) G5 Matinee. Goiko beats Erik with a chic-chac--1st round (12 balls in play). Goiko climbs the screen for a great save in the middle of the point.
"Late" Opponent Key:
Am=Amigorena; Ar=Aritz; C=Cisneros; E=Erik; F=Foronda; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez
Scoring Key:
Winners: CC=Chic Chac (pelota bounces to back wall so low it can't be returned); Ch=Chula (pelota hits back wall on fly so low it can't be returned); D=Dejada (drop shot); 2W=2 Walls (either left-front or front-left); P=Picada (overhand big bounce); LW=Left Wall; OP=Outside (away from left wall) Pass; IP=Inside Pass
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing; f=Service fault
Opponent Lo,J Lo,J,Ar
Balls in Play 2, 4 6, 7,7
Round 1 + + Round 2 + - +
Scoring CC,Ch LW,c TWCC
S7 Points 1, 1 3, 5,W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+3 -1) Lost 1 (+1)
v Lo 2-0, J 1-1, Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 26
W (+ 1 CC, 1 LW, 1 TWCC) (- 1 c) L (+ 1 Ch)
Opponent Ar, E,Am,La,Ar
BIP 0 4 5, 5, 5
Round 1 - Round 2 - - + +
Scoring f c c IP Ch
S7 Points 0 2,4, 6 W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2) Lost 1 (-1)
v Ar 1-1; E 1-0; Am 1-0; La 1-0
Total BIP: 19
W (+ 1 IP, 1 Ch) (- 2 c) L 1 (- 1 f)
Opponent F,E,La,J,Lo Ar
BIP 4,1,3, 1,7 3
Round 1 + - + - + Round 2 +
Scoring D,t,TW,t,TW CC
S7 Points 1,2,3, 4,5 W
Actual Points: Won 6 (+4 -2) Lost 0
v F 1-0; E 1-0; La 1-0; J 1-0; Lo 1-0; Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 19
W (+ 2 TW, 1 D, 1 CC) (- 2 t) L 0
*=Possible Game Point for Aritz
Opponent E, Lo, E, Lo Ar* La, Lo
BIP 12,8 4 2 4, 5, 3
Round 1 + + Round 2 + - Round 3 + - +
Scoring CC,2W CC t CC t CC
S9 Points 1, 1 3, 3 5, 7 W
Actual Points: Won 5 (+4 -1) Lost 2 (+1 -1)
v E 2-0; Lo 1-2; Ar 1-0; La 1-0
Total BIP: 38
W (+ 4 CC) (- 1 t) L (+ 1 2W) (- 1 t)
*=Possible Game Point for Ladutxe
Opponent Am La,F La*,Am,F
BIP 3 2, 2 2 3 1
Round 1 + Round 2 + + Round 3 - - -
Scoring CC Ch,OP t, c t
S7 Points 0 2, 2 4, 6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (1+ 3-) Lost 2 (2+)
v Am 1-1; La 2-0; F 1-1
Total BIP: 13
W (+ 1 Ch) (- 2 t, 1 c) L (+1 CC, 1 OP)
Opponent C F,Lo,Am
BIP 4 3,5, 3
Round 1 + Round 2 - - +
Scoring CC c c OP
S7 Points 1 3 5, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2) Lost 0
v C 1-0, F 1-0, Lo 1-0, Am 1-0
Total BIP: 15
W (+ 1 CC, 1 OP) (- 2 c) L 0
Opponent C F,E F,C, Ar
BIP 5 2,2 6,5, 1
Round 1 + Round 2 - + Round 3 - + -
Scoring CC c CC t,CC c
S7 Points 0 2,2 4,6, W
Actual Points: Won 4 (+2 -2) Lost 2 (+2 -0)
v C 1-1, F 2-0, E 0-1, Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 21
W (+ 2 CC) (- 2 c) L (+2 CC)
Won 31 points; Lost 8 points
31 winning points: 18 winners; 13 opponents' errors
Winners +18 (9 CC, 2 Ch, 2 2W, 1 2WCC, 1 OP, 1 D, 1 LW, 1 IP)
Opponents errors -13 (8 c, 5 t)
8 losing points: 6 opponents winners; 2 errors
Oppononents winners: (+ 3 CC, 1 Ch, 1 OP, 1 2W)
Goiko errors: (- 1 f, 1 t)
v Amigorena 3-1; Aritz 5-1; Cisneros 2-1; Erik 4-1; Foronda 5-1; Jairo 2-1; Ladutxe 5-0; Lopez 5-2
Total Balls in Play for the 39 points: 151
Goiko +18 -2
Opponents +6 -13
Total score for the 7 wins: +24 -15 (.615)
Non-error Percent: (BIP- errors) / BIP) (.901)
Average balls per point: 3.9
Longest point: 12 v Erik (Win 4, Matinee, Game 5)
Perfect Games: 2
Possible Game Points Goiko stopped: 2
Day 34, January 11, 2021: Goiko (L) (#43), 5 wins (4 consecutive). Goiko won from Post 1, 2, 2, 6, and 6.
Special Mention: Erik (L) (#48). While Erik won only 3 games, they were consecutive Perfect Games (a game in which the winner scores all the points before anyone else scores any). During that streak and two points after, he won 22 consecutive match ups, a phenomenal achievement, especially notable due to the fact that he faced 3 of the best players in the world in each of the Perfect Games. The streak came from Post 3, 6, and 2. It was broken from Post 8.
Best Point (Game 6, Matinee), Goiko beats Erik, to snap the 22 point streak and begin his own streak of 4 consecutive wins. (12 Balls in Play)
A. Erik (3 Matinee wins, Game 3, 4, 5). 3 perfect games. Game 5 was a 9 point Superfecta game.
"Late" Opponent Key:
Am=Amigorena; Ar=Aritz; F=Foronda; G=Goiko; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez
Scoring Key:
Winners: CC=Chic Chac (pelota bounces to back wall so low it can't be returned); Ch=Chula (pelota hits back wall on fly so low it can't be returned); D=Dejada (drop shot); 2W=2 Walls (either left-front or front-left); P=Picada (overhand big bounce); LW=Left Wall; OP=Outside (away from left wall) Pass
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing
Opponent Am,J,F, Lo,G,La Ar
Balls in Play 4, 5,3, 3, 5,5 9
Round 1 -, +,+, +, -,+ Round 2 +
Scoring c,CC,CC,Ch,t,CC D
S7 Points 1, 2,3, 4, 5,6 W
Actual Points: won 7 (5+ 2-) lost 0
v Am 1-0; J 1-0; F 1-0; Lo 1-0, G 1-0, La 1-0, Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 34
+ 3 CC, 1 Ch, 1 D; - 1 c, 1 t
Opponent G,Lo,Am J,Ar
BIP 6,5, 3 3,7
Round 1 + + + Round 2 +,+
Scoring 2W,CC,P P2W,2W
S7 Points 1,2, 3 5,W
Actual Points won 5 (5+ 0-) lost 0
v G 1-0; Lo 1-0; Am 1-0; J 1-0; Ar 1-0
Total BIP: 24
+ 2 2W, 1 CC, 1P, 1P2W
Opponent La,G,F, J,Am, Ar, Lo, La
BIP 6, 3,7, 5,3, 5, 7 7
Round 1 + - + - + - + Round 2 +
Scoring 2W,c,CC,t,LW, t, CC 2W
S9 Points 1,2,3, 4,5, 6, 7 W
Actual Points won 8 (+5 -3) lost 0
v La 2-0; G 1-0; F 1-0; J 1-0; Am 1-0; Ar 1-0; Lo 1-0
Total BIP: 43
+ 2 CC, 2 2W, 1 LW - 1c, 2t
Opponent Lo, J, G
BIP 6 7 12
Round 1 - Round 2 + +
Scoring t OP CC
S7 Points 1 3 3
Actual Points won 2 (1+ 1-) lost 1 (1+)
v Lo 1-0; J 1-0; G 0-1
Total BIP: 25
W + 1 OP -1 t; L +1 CC
Summary: +22 -1
Wins point: +16 (6 CC; 4 2W; 1 Ch; 1D; 1P; 1P2W; 1 LW; 1 OP) -6 (2 c, 4 t)
Loses point: +1 (1 CC)
v Am 3-0; Ar 3-0; F 2-0; G 3-1; J 4-0; La 3-0; Lo 4-0
Total Balls in play for the 23 points: 126
Erik +16 -0
Opponents +1 -6
Total score +17 -6 (.739)
Non-error Percent (BIP - Errors) / BIP: (.952)
B. Goiko (5 wins: Matinee wins, Game 2, 6, 7, 8; Twilight win, Game 2). 1 PERFECT GAME (M Game 8).
"Late" Opponent Key:
Am=Amigorena; Ar=Aritz; C=Cisneros; E=Erik; F=Foronda; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez
Scoring Key:
Winners: CC=Chic Chac; Ch=Chula; D=Dejada; 2W=2 Walls;P=Picada; LW=Left Wall; OP=Outside Pass
Errors: c=catching; t=throwing
Opponent La,E, Ar,Lo E,F
BIP 5, 11,5, 6 2 5
Round 1 + + + + Round 2 - -
Scoring D, CC,LW,CC c c
S7 Points 1, 2, 3, 3 5 W
Actual Points won 5 (3+ 2-) lost 1 (1+)
v La 1-0; E 2-0; Ar 1-0; Lo 0-1; F 1-0
Total BIP: 34
W + 3 (1 CC; 1 D 1 LW) -2 (2 c); L +1 (CC)
Opponent J,F E, Ar,Am
BIP 8,4 12,3, 3
Round 1 - + Round 2 +, + +
Scoring c,LW CC,CC,LW
S7 1,1 3, 5, W
Actual Points won 4 (3+ 1-) lost 1(1+)
v J 1-0; F 0-1; E 1-0; Ar 1-0; Am 1-0)
Total BIP: 30
W +4 (2 CC, 1 LW) -1 (1 c) L +1 (LW)
Opponent E F,La,E,J
BIP 5 2,5, 5,5
Round 1 + Round 2 - - +,+
Scoring D c,t,LW,CC
S7 Points 0 2,4,6, W
Acutal Points won 4 (+2 -2) lost 1 (+1)
v E 1-1; F 1-0; La 1-0; J 1-0
Total BIP: 22
W + 2 (1 LW, 1 CC) -2 (1 c, 1 t) L +1(D)
Opponent Lo,Am,J E,C
BIP 2, 3, 3 5,5
Round 1 + + + Round 2 + +
Scoring 2W,P,2W CC,2W
S7 Points 1,2,3 5, W
Actual Points won 5 (+5 -0) lost 0
v Lo 1-0; Am 1-0; J 1-0; E 1-0; C 1-0
Total BIP: 18
W +5 (3 2W, 1 P, 1 CC) L 0
*=Possible Game Point for Erik
Opponent E C, E*,J, La
BIP 3 8, 4, 11 5
Round 1 + Round 2 + - + +
Scoring D CC,t, 2W,2W
S7 Points 0 2, 4, 6, W
Actual Points won 4(+3 -1) lost 1 (+1)
v E 1-1; C 1-0; J 1-0; La 1-0
Total BIP: 31
W +3 (2 2W, 1 CC) -1 (1 t) L 1 (D)
Won 22 points; Lost 4 points
22 winning points: 16 winners; 6 opponents' errors
Winners +16 (6 CC, 5 2W, 3 LW, 1 D, 1 P) -6 (4 c, 2 t)
4 losing points: All on opponents' winners (2 D, 1 CC, 1 LW)
v Am 2-0; Ar 2-0; C 2-0; E 6-2; F 2-1; J 4-0; La 3-0; Lo 1-1
Total Balls in Play for the 26 points: 135
Goiko +16 -0
Opponents +4 -6
Total score for the 5 wins: +20 -6 (.769)
Non-error Percent: (BIP- errors) / BIP) (.956)
Day 30: January 7, 2021: Cisneros (#19) (L) a "floater" who usually plays five games with "Lates (Matinee and Twilight Performances)" and then five with "Earlies" (Twilight), won 5 games. He won 2 against "Lates" and 3 against "Earlies". He won from Post 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Best Point (Video) (v Aritz, see below, under Win 2)
January 7 Matinee Entries
"Late" Opponent Key: Am=Amigorena; Ar=Aritz; E=Erik; F=Foronda; G=Goiko; J=Jairo; La=Ladutxe; Lo=Lopez
Win 1: Matinee, Game 8, Post 1 (Video)
Opponent G,J,F,Am,E Am,E
Balls in Play 1,5,3,3, 2 2, 5
Round 1 -,+,+,+, + Round 2 -, +
S7 points 1,2,3,4, 4 6, W
Actual Points: 6 won (4+ 2-), 1 lost,(1+ 0-)
v G 1-0, J 1-0, F 1-0, Am 2-0, E 1-1
Total BIP: 21
January 7 Twilight Entries
Win 2: Twilight Game 2, Post 2 (Video)Opponent Am,Lo E,Ar,F
BIP 4 6 4,15,5
Round 1 + + Round 2 +, +,+
S7 points 1 1 3, 5,W
Actual Points: 4 won (4+ 0-) 1 lost (1+ 0)
v Am 1-0, Lo 0-1, E 1-0, Ar 1-0, F 1-0
Total BIP: 34
"Early Opponent Key: Al=Alex; An=Anndy; Ar=Aratz; C=Carlos; J=Julen; M=Manuel; T=Toto; V=Vega
Win 3: Twilight Game 4, Post 3 (Video)Opponent J,M,C,Al,T,Ar An
BIP 4,5,3,5, 9,3 3
Round 1 +,+,+,+ + + Round 2 -
S7 points 1,2,3,4, 5,6 W
Actual points: 7 won (+6 -1) 0 Lost (PERFECT GAME)
v J 1-0, M 1-0, C 1-0, Al 1-0, T 1-0, Ar 1-0, An 1-0
BIP: 32 Win 4 Twilight Game 5 Post 2 (Video)Opponent V,Ar V,Ar,M,C M
BIP 2,0 4,1, 7,4 2
Round 1 +,-Round 2 +,-, -,- Round 3 -
S9 points 1,1 3,5, 7,7 W
Actual points 5 won (+2 -3) 2 lost (+0 -2)
v V 2-0; Ar 1-1; M 2-0; C 0-1
BIP: 20 Win 5 Twilight Game 6 Post 5 (Video)Opponent Al,T,J Al*,Ar,M
BIP 4, 1,4 4, 5, 9
Round 1 +, -,+ Round2 +, +, +
S7 points 1 2,2 4, 6, W
Actual points: 5 won (+4 -1) 1 lost (+1 -0)
v Al 2-0; T 1-0; J 0-1; Ar 1-0; M 1-0
*=Possible game point for Alex 5 Win Totals
Cisneros' Points: 27 Won (+20 -7) 5 lost (+3 -2)
Total BIP (Cisneros and all Opponents): 134