April 15, 2017. Main Nue: Added a condensed full linescore to the Larralde-Bilbao v Waltary-Guichandut FFPB CdF Groupe A Poule match (April 7). Also added a link to a second condensed match video (source: Tout sur la Pelote Basque Youtube). FFPB CDC Elite Pro par Equipe--Week 6-April 7, 10, 2017. Also added a link to the TPB video to the FFPB CDF 2016-2017 National A and B match videos page on the right side of the blog
April 15, 2017: Remonte: Added preview articles about both the Tournament and the first Jornada of the Casco de Viejo Tournament, a Euskal Jai Berri short court tournament. Euskal Jai Berri Recurring Match Results Page.
April 13, 2017: Mano: Changed the link to the 2016-17 Mundial Parejas final (Irribarria-Rezusta v Bengoetxea VI-Larunbe) from a link to the entire program of matches to a link to the library of finals that EITB maintains. This is the only match at that link, so it makes access to the match easier. Also, it is more likely that the match will be archived at this link. Mano--Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas--2016-17 Final.
April 13, 2017: Main Nue: Added information about Peio Tellier to the information available about all the contestants of the Tournois Esku Pilota-Nautica, a 50 point match tournament being played at Saint Andre. His name was inadvertently misspelled in the Esku Pilota 1st Semi-final match article. Also re-arranged the TEPA section so that it can stand alone as the most current information during the tournament. Recurring 50 Point Match Results page.
March 26, 2017: Mano: Added full match video from fronton.tv (Castilian of 2nd Jornada Semi-Final League Olaizola II-Untoria v Elezkano II-Zabaleta match. Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas--Semi-Final League--Jornada 2.
March 22, 2017: Pala: Added a Munduko Pilota Batzarra (World Pilota Council) article published March 20, which discusses the various outcomes of next week's 6th Jornada and how they would effect the various players' chances of making the Final. Mundo Parejas--Jornada 5.
March 18, 2017: Any post that contains a link to a Youtube video: If you get a message that says "Youtube Page can't be found--reload message," click on the reload button and the video should resolve. It is unkown at this time why certain Youtube links return this message. Please let me know if this resolution doesn't work for you.
March 17, 2017: Pala: Linked all known independent matches since the beginning of the season (October 29, 2017) to their respective blog posts. In one case (December 30, 2017) there is a full match video available. InnPala Player win-loss table and independent matches page.
March 17, 2017: Main Nue: Added links to full match statistics (scoring, equalities, decade linescores for all three FFPB CDC Elite Pro Equipe Groupe A matches played during week 2 (March 12 and 13). Source: Esku Pilota. FFPB CDC Elite Pro par Equipe--Week 2--March 12-13.
March 17, 2017: Remonte: Added information about the performances of Urriza and Endika during 2016 Euskal Jai Berri tournaments. Also changed the score of the Uterga-Endika v Urriza-Ion match from 36-25 U-E to 37-25 as EJB changed the score on their website. Euskal Jai Berri 2017 Gala del Remonte.
March 15, 2017: Multiple Modalities: Added an EEPF photo gallery to the Eusko Herriko Kluben/CPTO. de EH. de Clubes competition. Multiple Modalities: South Basque: One Major Amateur Competition Ends as Another Begins
March 13, 2017: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Correction. In the article about Aritz' Erkiaga's great month at Miami Jai Alai I mentioned that if a quinnela player loses a point he has to sit on the bench for 6 points. That was one of my more egregious errors. He has to sit on the bench for 7 points. The post has been corrected. Aritz Erkiaga's Marvelous Month at Miami.
March 3, 2017: Remonte: Correction. In the summary of the Navarra Tournament, I mentioned an "experiment" with Endika in the front court.
"The match article noted Endika's great play in the front court in the Navarra Tournament. This indicated my ignorance about Endika's career. In researching the history of the Sagardoaren Txapelketa for the 2017 edition, I discovered that Endika had played in the inaugural final (2011) in the front court. Some research in the Oriamendi2010 database showed that records of Endika's matches (going as far back as April 29, 2010) had him in the front court from April of 2010 until October 3, 2013. So his being in the front court in the Navarra tournament was no 'experiment.'" Remonte--XI Torneo Comunidad Foral de Navarra de Remonte-Gran Premio Magna 2016. The error has also been corrected (with a slight variation) in the Galarreta "STAR" matches recurring page on the right side of the blog (scroll to the September 29, 2016 entry).
February 24, 2017: Paleta Pelote de Gomme Pleine: Correction: In the final match analysis, it said that Section Paloise (Pau) made 4 errors in the seventh decade (according to my scoring). They made 3. This was a counting error, not a judgment error. It has been corrected. Paleta Pelote de Gomme Pleine (Trinquet)--FFPB Championat de France National A and B Finals and Semi-Finals.
February 22, 2017: Paleta Pelote de Gomme Pleine: added a link to Federation Francaise de Pelote Basque 2017 Championnat de France National A Final, February 2017. Luzean (Saint Jean de Luz) (Ramuntcho Amestoy-Stéphane Suzanne--red) v Section Paloise (Pau) (Olivier Laberdesque-Baptiste Hourçourigaray--white). Point beginning 15-20 Pau. 61 balls in play (16:12-18:33). 15-21. 15-21. Luzean won the match, 40-37.
Multiple Modalities: A selection of mammoth points in six modalities.
"Mammoth Points" recurring page.
February 16, 2017: Main Nue: Added a link to Esku Pilota match statistics spreadsheet (equalities, decade linescores, time of match, match scoring) for Ospital v Larralde (A) Semi-final. FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individuel--Semi-final Liguilla Round 3, February 11-12, 2017
February 13, 2017: Main Nue: Began to keep a table of player wins and losses for 50 point matches. Main Nue Recurring 50 point match results page on the right side of the blog.
February 11, 2017: Added a link, under Pala, to La Liga Kutzabank Final (Gaubeka--Ibai-Perez v Necol-Ibargari) to 2 points.
1. Joko 1: Point beginning 4-3 Gaubeka--Ibai-Perez. 50 balls in play (11:42-13:50). 5-3 G--I-P.
2. Joko 2: Point beginning 0-0. 68 balls in play (20:22-23:16). 1-0 G--I-P (Source for both points: EITB) G--I-P won the match 3-0 (10-4, 10-7, 10-9). Also added a copy of the below post as a recurring "page" on the right side of the blog.
Multiple Modalities: A selection of mammoth points in six modalities.
"Mammoth Points" recurring page.
February 11, 2017: Pala: added full match video (EITB) for La Liga Kutxabank Final and 3rd place match (held January 7, 2017). EITB added the on demand video around February 10, 2017. I have added it, along with full match individual joko (set) linescores for both matches and complete statistics (EITB) for the 3rd place match. EITB, unfortunately, edited out its full scoring for the championship match. La Liga Kutxabank--Final and 3rd place match. Also, a correction has been made. I had the 3rd joko of the 3rd place match listed as 10-8 Zubiri-Brefel. Diario Vasco Cartelera for January 8, 2017 had it listed at 10-8. The Deia match article had it listed at 10-5. I assumed Deia made the error. That was incorrect. The score has been corrected.
February 11, 2017: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Changed match article links for all match articles of the following Internationaux Cesta Punta Masters competitions played last summer. The original links were to compilation pages of articles. The ICP website has removed these compilation pages. I have re-linked directly to the articles. How long they will continue to be available is unkown. Master 1 (match article for final match only. Other match articles are available through the Pelotelive.free.fr link in the post.) Master 2 (all match articles); Master 3 (all match articles); Master 4 (all match articles); SLAM (all match articles).
February 10, 2017: Main Nue: Added match statistics (in spreasheet format) (equalities, decade linescores, time of match, match scoring) for Elgart v Monce (Groupe B) and Ospital v Bilbao (Groupe A) matches in 2nd Round Semi-Final Liguilla of FFPB Championat de France Main Nue Elite Pro Individuel tournament.
February 10, 2017: Mano: Added full match video from fronton.tv (Castilian of Irribarria-Rezusta v Ezkurdia-Merino II week 10 Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas post.
February 6, 2017: Main Nue: Correction. On the recurring table page for Cumulative records of Esku Pilota players Ximun Lambert was listed as a front court player and Laurent Lambert was listed as a back court player. I had their positions reversed. Corrections have been made to all cumulative tables and both players now appear in the correct positions. Source for the correction: Esku Pilota results pages (scroll to "Tournoi de Macay, demi-finales, Samedi 5 Novembre, 2016").
February 2, 2017: Main Nue: Added links to match statistics (spreadsheet format) for Monce-Benesse and Ducassou-Ospital matches in Semi-final Liguilla 1st Round of FPPB Main Nue Championnat de France Individuel competition.
February 2, 2017: Mano: Added a link to a fronton.tv (Castilian) full match video for the Urrutikoetxea-Imaz v Victor (substituting for Artola)-Albisu match. Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas--Week 9.
January 27, 2017: Remonte: Correction. On December 29, 2016, Ezkurra-Zubiri were leading Uterga-Larranaga 21-17 when Ezkurra was forced to retire due to a thigh injury. I mistakenly gave the victory to E-Z. Oriamendi2010 listed it in its database as: U-L 40 E-Z 21. This changed 4 records for the month, which impacted on the monthly leader in the A group, the total leading monthly leaders for 2016 in the A group, and the win-loss standings, winning-losing streaks, and cumulative points for both groups. All have been corrected in both the December 2016 Rankings and 2016 leading monthly leaders post and Remonte: Galarreta "STAR" matches recurring results page on the right side of the blog.
January 25, 2017: Main Nue: Correction. Changed the FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individuel explanation section. I mistakenly thought the top players were seeded into this tournament at the semi-final level. There is no semi-final level. The top four players in each division move on to a "Liguilla" phase, a round robin of 4 players in each division. 2 players have played their way in and 2 have been seeded in. I have changed the explanation on all annotations, and re-worked any annotation that referred to "semi-final". Apologies for the error. The easiest way to see the change is at FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individuel--Results of January 23, 2017. From there there are links to every other annotation where the changes have been made.
January 23, 2017: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Correction: The entry on news about Eric Irastorza and Yeche (Nicholas Eyeheragary) said Irastorza left Miami Jai Alai on December 15, 2016. He left on January 15, 2017. Many thanks to the person who pointed it out. It has been corrected Jai Alai/Cesta Punta--Eric Irastorza finishes his carreer at Maimi Jai Alai--Nicholas Eyheragary (Yeche) injured in traffic accident
January 22, 2017: Pala: Removed links to InnPala.com's brief match articles for January 14, 2017 play-in round of the Mudial Individual Tournament. The articles were over-written by match articles for the January 21 round. The URLs weren't changed, meaning, of course, that the January 14 articles have disappeared. This is about as basic a web design error as is possible to make. It erases part of the history of the sport as of the next match. This is something that we have seen before: Goizeko Izarra's (Main Nue) "Lundi" and Tournament pages also over-write match information each time there is a new match, without archiving the old information. There is a very simple remedy for this. Simply add a suffix (date, tournament round number, -1, -2...) to the old match information URL and save before over-writing it. Save the new article under the persistent URL. Then a simple link at the bottom of each article (which can be easily templated) that says: "previous results" or something to that effect, will preserve the old information. And that will be greatly appreciated by those who love these sports and follow them closely. Pala--Mundial Individual 2017 begins
January 21, 2017: Main Nue: Changed the annotation of the FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individual--Results of January 6, 2017 to point to a Pilota Ttiki preview article of the Match of January 20 between Etchegaray and Monce which mentioned that Etchegaray had won his match v Aguirre on Jan. 6 40-23. Originally they and Esku Pilota had the score at 40-24. FFPB and pelotelive.free.fr had it 40-23. I listed it in the cumulative records of EP players for 2017 as 40-23. It will stay listed that way.
January 21, 2107: Mano: Changed the links to the ASPE League Phase table of the Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas, as ASPE has done a re-design of its web pages, down to changing the top level domain from .com to .eus. The old links were forwarded to the new site, but not directly to the table page. Those links now work again.
January 20, 2017: Added a link, under Pasaka (glove) to LPPB (Ligue Pelote Pays Basque) Premier Series Quarter-final, played at Urrugne in January 2017. Urrugne (Urrunarrak) (Ourquia-Ussaralde--white) v Saint Pierre d'Irube (Hiriburuko Ainhara 2) (Lapergue-Latxague--red). Point beginning at 0-15 Game 4. 22 balls in play. (10:38--11:36) if your device doesn't parse this segment. 0-30. Multiple Modalities: A selection of mammoth points in six modalities.
January 19, 2017: Mano: Correction: I had originally listed Irribarria-Rezusta's record at the halfway point of the Parejas Competition as 5-2. Their record is 6-1. The error has been corrected. Binakako Txapelketako/Campionato Parejas--Week 7
January 18, 2017: Main Nue: Added a link to Esku Pilota Spreadsheet of H. Ocafrain Garat "Lundi" statistics for Benesse v Palomes Group B Championnat de France Individuel competition match of January 16. I copied these out to the post on January 17. I will leave both copies on the post. Main Nue--FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individual--Results of January 16, 2017
January 16, 2017: Pala: Added match articles for both matches (source: InnPala Fronton Facebook page) of the first round of the Mundial Individual 2017 tournament.
January 16, 2017: Remonte: Correction. For January 12, 2017, Azpiroz victory in the front court was his 3rd consecutive. I had it listed as 2nd consecutive. The error was caused by the fact that his 1st and 2nd consecutive front court victories were spread across monthly tables. Recurring Galarreta Star Matches page. Correction has been made.
January 16, 2017: Remonte: Correction: For January 10, 2017 3rd Galarreta match, Etxeberria IV was listed (according to my scoring) as having 11 two wall winners. I miscounted. He had 10. MY ARTICLE: Enhanced Linescore E IV-EIII v S-I and Recurring Galarreta Star Matches page. Correction has been made.
January 11, 2017: Main Nue: Changed the way players will be listed on the "Main Nue: Cumulative records of Esku Pilota players" page. Removed possible listing in both categories list explanation. Players will remain in the assigned categories (A or B). Type of match they played will be listed along with the win-loss record.
January 9, 2017: Remonte: Correction: On the recurring results page: "Remonte: Galarreta "STAR" matches , for the Star Match entry of December 31, 2016. The entry mentioned that Endika had played Ion in the final of the Masters Individual Oriamendi Tournament 2 years ago. They played in a semi-final. The error has been corrected.
January 8, 2017: Main Nue: Changed the link to FFPB results of the FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individual "A" and "B" competitions. The direct .pdf results link appears to change every time new results are added. The date is embedded in the link and that is the part that changes. This makes it too inconvienient to provide a direct link, as it would have to be changed retrospectively when I link every round to earlier rounds in the blog. There is a concept in the library world called PURL (Persistent URL). FFPB might want to look into its utility. FFPB results are still linked through blog posts because they are still the best and most convenient way to follow the tournament. Thanks to FFPB for providing them. FFPB Championnat de France Elite Pro Individual "A" and "B" competitions begins.
January 7, 2017: Main Nue: Added a note explaining that Youtube segments, as I do them now, may not resolve properly in certain browsers or smart phone apps. I have provided times so that readers who use those browsers or apps can simply move the slider bar to the times indicated. I will be noting times on Youtube segments from this point forward. Trinquet Garat Super Prestige singles tournament--Semi-finals
January 4, 2017: Main Nue: Added an explanation for the rescheduling of the Super Prestige final from January 8 to January 22, 2017. The delay is due to a hand injury to Baptiste Ducassou. Trinquet Garat Super Prestige singles tournament--Semi-finals
January 4, 2017: Main Nue: Provided more information about the FPPB Championnat de France Elite Pro tournament. I will follow the tournament match by match due to its importance. The entry was moved from December 31, 2016 to Jan. 4. Apologies for the misunderstanding. FFPB Elite Pro Individual "A" and "B" competitions begins.
January 2, 2017: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Added player Erkiaga, who played a partial season at Miami Jai Alai, to the win and win by playing position sorts for the 2016 Fall season. Many thanks to Tiger for the addition. MY ARTICLE: Miami Fall 2016 final standings: Wins and Wins by Playing Position. At the bottom of that article, there is a link back to the main blog article: Miami Jai Alai Fall 2016 final season standings.
January 1, 2017: Pala: Corrected the winners and table for InnPala Player win-loss table and independent matches through Dec. 30, 2016. Original source for the winners and score of the independent match Landeta-Imanol v Zubiri--Ibai- Perez was Diario Vasco Cartelera (Dec. 31, 2016) which had the correct score but the winners reversed. Landeta-Imanol won the match 3-1 (10-8, 7-10, 10-9, 10-7). Table has been changed to reflect the correction. Actual winners were correctly identified by InnPala.com and the full match video provided by EITB.
December 30, 2016: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Error correction. In the Dania Jai Alai team competition, Hollywood clinched the title after G6 of the Saturday Evening, December 10, 2016 performance. It was originally noted as G5. I regret the error and promise to use a calculator from now on for any numbers larger than the total of digits on my hands and feet :) :) Jai Alai/Cesta Punta--2016 Dania Team Jai Alai Competition, from beginning to end
December 28, 2016: Main Nue: Changed the links to the Pilota Ttiki match article and interview with Iker Irribarria for special match Irribarria-Ducassou v Larralde-Amulet at Saint Palais. URL syntax was changed by PT. Irribarria-Ducassou v Larralde-Amulet
December 26, 2016: Mulitple Modalities: Changed the link to the Pilota Ttiki interview with Maritxu Chapelet-Husset and Amaia Etchelecu, winners of the VI Copa del Mundo Women's Paleta Goma final. URL syntax was changed by PT. Multiple Modalities--FIPV VI Copa del Mundo
December 26, 2016: Main Nue: Changed the links to the Pilota Ttiki match previews and articles for the first two "tours" of the Super Prestige tournament. URL syntax was changed by PT. All links to PT Super Prestige articles should now work properly. Main Nue--Trinquet Garat Super Prestige singles tournament begins and Main Nue--Trinquet Garat Super Prestige singles tournament--Tour 2
December 26, 2016: Pala: Added a link to an InnPala Fronton Facebook Page match story describing the end of the Fusto-Gordon v Landeta-Imanol final League match (auto translate may be available). La Liga Kutxabank--Week 9--end of League Phase
December 23, 2016: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Added 2016 Final Full Match video (Canal+ via Audiense Audiovisuel Youtube site) and 2015 Final Full Match Video (Olharan-Itoiz defeated Egiguren L. Alliez 2-0 (15-11, 15-14, December 18, 2015) to 2016 Cesta de Nadau
December 22, 2016: Remonte: Added link to EITB full match video that was copied at Oriamendi2010 CORO Final for ease of access and in the hope that the match will be archived at Oriamendi2010. Added to the Remonte: 46th Campeonato Oficial de remonte Parejas-Fundación Orona--Final and recurring "Remonte: Galarreta "STAR" match" page.
December 17, 2016: Remonte: Added EITB match statistics and Scoring as well as 2 full match videos to the recurring "Remonte: Galarreta "STAR" match" page. Both matches occurred on December 3, 2016. The "Star" match was the 46th Campeonato Oficial de Remonte Parejas Orona 2016 first semi-final (Uterga-Endika defeated Ezkurra-Etxeberria III 40-34). It appears in the section covering the CORO, which appears just below the "December" (2016) marker on the page. The second match was a replacement match for the other first semi-final between Urriza-Zubiri and Ezkurra II-Ion (postponed due to a neck injury that Urriza suffered in an auto accident). In that match Zeberio II-Ion defeated Ezkurra II-Barrentxea IV 40-30.
Full match video for both matches (EITB). The semi-final is the first match.The replacement match begins at 1 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds on the video.
December 11, 2016: Multiple Modalities: Added 20 selected matches (each a single match) (Marcello Baumann Youtube) to FIPV VI Copa del Mundo post.
December 7, 2016: Added Women's Paleta Goma Semi-Final--France v Mexico (FIPV) to FIPV VI Copa del Mundo post.
Dec. 6, 20166: Multiple Modalities: Added Interview with Maritxu Chapelet-Husset and Amaia Etchelecu, winners of the women's Paleta Goma Championship (Pilota Ttiki) to the Multiple Modalities-- FIPV VI Copa del Mundo post.
Nov. 12, 2016: Jai Alai: Added the sentence "He had 10 of 13 ITMs and 7 of 9 wins in 15 Post 1-3 opportunities, remarkable efficiency from those post numbers." referring to Bereikua's leading winning week for the week ending November 7, 2016. Maimi Jai Alai weekly leaders page.
Nov. 11, 2016: Main Nue: Added links to a match article and full match video of Tournois Herriarena (Saint-Etienne-de-Baigorry) Final. Tournois Herriarena and Replay of Tournoi Hoberenak (Arcangues) Final
Nov. 10, 2016: Main Nue: Added a link from the August 1, 2016 unfinished Tournoi Hobernak (Arcangues) EP 1000 tournament to the replayed final on November 1, 2016. Tournoi Hoberenak--Unfinished
Oct 31, 2016: Main Nue: Added a match to 30-35 point Village matches. At Espellette. Esku Pilota Summer 30-35 point Village Matches
October 20, 2016: Pala: Added video highlights of Mikel Ayerbe's final Pala match before retiring. Mikel Ayerbe retires from InnPala.
October 4, 2016. Mano--Final Summary of Summer Tournaments. Added Torneo San Saturio-Ciudad de Soria to the list under Asegarce/ASPE as final summer tournament.
October 4, 2016. Innpala independent matches. Added joko (set) scores for Necol-Brefel 3-1 victory over Gaubeka--Ibai-Perez. Also Diaro Vasco, which provided the scores, claimed Ibai-Perez played in this game, while InnPala published a score that had Ibargari substituting for Ibai-Perez. There is also a change to the teams who will play in the October 14 match at Toulouse InnPala Independent Matches (recurring matches).
October 3, 2016: Jai Alai/Cesta Punta: Added HD video highlights to Open Villa de Madrid (Sep. 23-24, 2016)
October 2, 2016: Multiple Modalities: A selection of mammoth points in five modalities: Added a link, under Remonte to the final point of Casco Viejo de Pamplona tournament, a point with 32 balls in play, 10 balls longer than the previous longest Remonte point I have seen and counted.