Federation Francaise de Pelota Basque has announced a new competition, the
2021 Open de France Cesta Punta, to be held at St. Jean-de-Luz (Donibane Lohizune) ( (
2--Wikipedia) and Biarritz (
1--George Lopez Garcia--beautiful photos) (
2--Wikipedia) from February 8-March 4, 2021.
Google English Translation
Cesta Punta French Open 2021!
Following the government's recent declarations and the lack of long-term visibility on the holding of future competitions, the Federation Française de Pelote Basque, in consultation with his national coaches Fifi (Philippe) Etcheberry and Eric Irastorza, has decided to hold a French Open. Teams drawn will consist of a professional player, paired with a player from the training centre and placed on the ministerial list of high-level athletes / hopes.
Distributed into 4 Groups of 3 teams, the games will take place in a (double Round Robin) roundtrip format, respectively on the Biarritz and St-Jean-De-Luz frontons. At the end of the 1st phase, each Group 1st place team will be qualified directly for the semi-finals to take place in St-Jean-De-Luz, before competing in the final in Biarritz.
All partidos are scheduled to be broadcast live at 18 pm (6:00 pm) and 19 pm (7:00 pm--French Time (for time conversion to your Time Zone use (Paris to your city), Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on Facebook Live on the official page of the Cesta Punta Open 2021 tournament (on the main page or or on the "videos" page).These matches will also be available on demand after the live stream is over. The competition began on Monday, February 8. and will end with a Final on March 4.
Each team has one professional and one promising amateur/young professional. There will be 4 groups of 3 teams each and the League phase will be a double Round Robin (corrected, February 11, 2021) within each group. Matches will be 2 sets to 15 points and a tie breaker to 5 if necessary. Over serves (pasas) are limited to 5 per match with a second serve allowed. Each pasa after the 5th pasa is an automatic fault. Under serves are automatic faults at all times. Each team is allowed to request one Time Out per Set. The Tournament is scheduled for 27 matches in 4 weeks. (Corrected February 11, 2021). The teams and schedules were drawn by lot.
League scoring:
Straight set win: 4 points (Corrected February 13)
Tie breaker win: 3 points (Corrected February 14)
Tie breaker loss: 1 point
Straight set loss: 0 points
Group 1:
Group 2:
Emeric Libois (
1--X--3. Maila Aurrelariak (Front) #3) (
2--FFPB 2013 Poussin--Libois is in the white shirt on the left) (age 18-21)--
Yann Millat (B) (27)
Group 3:
Group 4:
Note: Some of these young prospects (links to full match videos) are covered in my
Up and Comers blog post. They are:
Maxime Benetrix, Iban Etcheberry, Clement Garcia, Bixente Gonzalez, Thomas Urrutia (avants--fronts); Tom Berthon, Annton de Bettelu, Hugo Ibar, Aize Ithurralde, Theo Laborde. and Guillen Oyenart (arrieres--backs).
Note: all video links are to OFCP 21 Facebook videos. At present the Tournament does not have a web site, only a Facebook site. Note: these are not commercial videos. But they are very good videos, in my opinion. The scores are called out in French and selected scores are shown on a mobile phone. In French: (sounded out, not spelled out): un-1; deu-2, twa-3; cot--4, sank--5, seese--6; set--7, wheat--8, noof (like roof)--9, dees (Chicago pronunciation)--10, ownz--11, dooze--12, trayz--13, cot-orz--14, canz--15. Hope that helps :) :)
Note: Complete Statistics are still under construction because Week 3 is still under construction.
March 4
Ithurria-Laborde (Red) (Group 3) 2
Laduche-Oyenart (Blue) (Group 2) 0
(15-11, 15-9) (30-20)
I have not yet found a match article. There may be one coming. There is now a match article for the two Semi-finals. See below.
In the end, it was an easy victory for Kevin Ithurria (29 years old) and Theo Laborde (22) as they won the Innaugural French Open over Ludovic Laduche (27) and Guillen Oyenart (26). But it didn't come without a struggle. L-O came back from large deficits in both sets (12-5 and 6-1), only to stumble just as they were about to summit the peak. Only once in the entire match did L-O lead (8-9 in the second set).
In the first set L-O had reached 12-11 on the back of a 6-0 run.
The point that got them there (video) (33:36) was a long point that was punctuated by a nice Laduche leaping catch and two wall winner. At that point Ithurria intercepted a Laduche serve and took the point. After an Oyenart error, Ithurria sealed the win with a cortada (side arm "fastball") that beat Laduche.
In the second set, L-O used a 6-2 run to take the lead. But after that, 5 errors did them in. Ithurria finished a 7-0 run with a left wall winner to win the Txapela (beret the champions are crowned with). The set contained the two best points in the match. The
6-5--6-6 point (video) (53:16) featured a short but intense battle between the two forwards near the end of a 15 ball point. The
7-7--8-7 point (video) (58:44--after a Laduche Pasa) featured another great battle between the forwards. Laduche is a fearless player, as can be seen in the 13 ball
11-9--12-9 point (video) (64:02). He executed 4 falling rebotes (rebounds) during the point, to no avail.
As far as match strategy was concerned, the winners tried to get the pelota to Oyenart as often as possible, and got the results they were hoping for. The two fronts basically cancelled each other out, but Laborde (+0 -3), who played rock solid defense throughout the Tournament, played far better than Oyenart (+2 -16), an 11 point advantage that was too much to overcome.
If you want to see a nice microcosm of the match, which features fine play by all, watch the longest point (27 balls in play), linked to below.
Condensed full linescores (match winners always listed first)
Set 1
1-0; 1-1; 2-1; 2-2; 4-2; 4-3; 6-3; 6-5; 12-5; 12-11; 15-11
2 equal scores, 0 lead changes, biggest run: 6 (6-5--12-5; I-Lab: 12-5--12-11; Lad-O)
Set 2
5-0; 5-1; 6-1; 6-6; 7-6; 7-7; 8-7; 8-9; 15-9
3 equal scores, 2 lead changes, biggest run: 7 (8-9--15-9; I-Lab)
Time Outs:
Set 1: Laduche-Oyenart: after 9-5
Set 1: Ithurria-Laborde: after 12-10
Set 2: Iturria-Laborde: after 7-6
Set 2: Laduche-Oyenart: after 12-9
Full match scoring (mine, yours may be different)
Ithurria +8 -7; Laborde +0 -3
Laduche +8 -6; Oyenart +2 -16
Serve intercepts; immediate winners/errors (+/-)
Ithurria 5 (+2 -1)
Laduche 9 (+2 -1)
Pasas (over serves, 2nd serve allowed)
Ithurria 1
Laduche 3
Total score: +18 -32 (.360)
Balls in play: 376
Non-error Percent: (BIP - errors) / BIP) (345/376): .918
Longest point: 27 (video) (27:54): Set 1: (12-6--12-7) (Laduche serves)
Average BIP per point: 7.5
Time of the match: 69:39
Average Time per point: 84 seconds
Time of the match (minus set breaks): 62:45
Average Time per point (minus set breaks): 75 seconds
March 1
Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Donibane Lohizune)
Group 2 Laduche-Oyenart (Blue) 2
Group 4 Olharan-de Bettelu (Red) 0
(15-9, 15-9) (30-18)
Match article for both matches (
Sud Ouest) (French). Also discusses why Ithurria left Dania to come back to the Basque Country and what he thinks of the French Open competition.
Ludovic Laduche played a superb match, and Guillen Oyenart, who had been error prone earlier in the Tournament, supported his partner with staunch defense, leading their team to a relatively easy straight set win over Jean-Olharan-Annton de Bettelu. Ol-B led Set 1 2-0 and 3-2. They led Set 2 9-8. The rest of the match, they played in catch-up mode.
7 point runs by the winners in each set, including the last 7 points of the match, were at the heart of the win. 5 Ol-B errors aided L-Oy in the first run. 4 errors helped the second. The capitulation was completed by the final 3 points, which took all of 7 balls and were punctuated by 3 errors. Ol-B's body language told the story far before that. Earlier, a 4 point run had given them a 9-8 lead. At that point L-Oy took a time out to settle themselves. When the match resumed, Laduche intercepted an Olharan serve and immediately converted with a
dejada (drop shot) (video) (49:59) to even the score. Laduche then scored 2 of the next 3 points (sandwiched around a de Bettelu dropped catch) with an outside pass and a cortada (side arm "fastball"). At 12-9, O-B had no answers. L-Oy will meet Ithurria-Laborde in the Final at Biarritz on Thursday.
In spite of the lack of competitive tension throughout, the match did feature the best single point played in the Tournament so far. Video of that point is linked to below in the scoring section. Of the 30 balls that the point consumed, 8 were excellent saves, 2 by each of the four players. Olharan provided the most dazzling, a running save along the left wall with a throw that instantaneously followed the catch. The pelota didn't seem to be in the cesta more than a millisecond before it was out again, and the point continued.
If you want to see a nice microcosm of the match, which features fine play by all, watch the longest point (30 balls in play), linked to below.
Condensed full linescores (match winners always listed first)
Set 1
0-2; 2-2; 2-3; 9-3; 9-4; 10-4; 10-5; 12-5; 12-7; 13-7; 13-9; 15-9
2 equal scores, 1 lead change, biggest run: 7 (2-3--9-3; L-Oy)
Set 2
4-0; 4-1; 5-1; 5-3; 6-3; 6-4; 7-4; 7-5; 8-5; 8-9; 15-9
2 equal scores, 2 lead changes, biggest run: 7 (8-9--15-9; L-Oy)
Time outs:
Set 1: Laduche-Oynart: after 7-13
Set 2: Laduche-Oyenart: after 9-8
Other stoppages:
Set 1: Laduche, for an equipment repair, after 3-3
Full match scoring (mine, yours may be different)
Laduche +12 -4; Oyenart +3 -6
Olharan +5 -6; de Bettelu +3 -9
Serve intercepts; immediate winners/errors (+/-)
Laduche 5 (+2 -0)
Olharan 8 (+0 -1)
Pasas (over serves, 2nd serve allowed)
Laduche 4
Olharan 1
Total score: +23 -25 (.479)
Balls in play: 303
Non-error Percent: (BIP - errors) / BIP) (278/303): .917
Longest Point: 30 (video) (21:42): Set 1: (7-12--7-13) (Olharan serves)
Average BIP per point: 6.3
Time of the match: 55:53
Average Time per point: 70 seconds
Time of the match (minus set breaks): 49:31
Average Time per point (minus set breaks): 62 seconds
Note: Txabi Inza suffered an injury in practice for this match on Saturday February 27. He was unable to play and was replaced by Group 2 Back David Minvielle.
Group 3: Ithurria-Laborde (Blue) 2
Group 1: Etcheberry-Minvielle (substituting for Inza) (Red) 1
(12-15, 15-10, 5-2) (32-27)
Match article: See above under Semi-final 2
At 7-10 in Set 2, after losing Set 1 12-15, the team of Kevin Ithurria and Theo Laborde looked like its glorious run was about to come to an end. They were playing a team that was put together at the last moment because of an injury to Txabi Inza. But the fact that he had a new partner didn't seem to effect 22 year old Iban Etcheberry in the least. He shredded I-L with +9 -4 in the first set and his team won easily. Set 2 began poorly for the match winners (0-4, including 3 errors). They were able to fight back to 7-7. At that point an Etcheberry 2 wall outside chula (pelota hits the back wall on the fly so hard or low that it can't be returned) made the score 7-8. Then both Etcheberry and David Minvielle forced Theo Laborde into errors on consecutive points. They threw precise left wall shots that handcuffed one of the best defensive players in the Tournament. They now seemed ready to pounce on their opponents.
But that isn't what happened. What happened was that 22 year old Laborde, who's confidence might have been shaken, responded with an outside pass (his only winner of the match). 8-10. Then came the moment that tipped the entire match. Ithurria, from out of nowhere, launched a perfect carom serve that beat Etcheberry all ends up as it passed him to the outside. It was the only time in the match Ithurria used that serve. 9-10. Then he launched a high reverse rebote (rebound) that caught the front corner perfectly, and flew out after one bounce. There was no chance to return it. 10-10. Then he handcuffed Minvielle with a perfect reverse low rocket chic chac (same as chula above except the pelota hits the back wall on the bounce). Minvielle did manage to get cesta to pelota, but he only could tip it. A harsh error perhaps, but also a forced error. 11-10. Then another long bounce chic chac by Ithurria. 12-10. By this time E-M were reeling. Three errors, two by Etcheberry, including the one that ended the set, where he intercepted a serve and threw it as hard as he could, smashing off the chapa (low metal front wall border that is out of bounds) well off the court, brought on the Tie Breaker. It was breathtaking, as you will see if you watch the sequence (video) (53:33)
7-10--15-10 (video) (53:33) (Etcheberry serves, after he had begun the point with a Pasa)
The Tie Breaker was almost anti-climactic after that. There was only one winner (by Ithurria of course) followed by a couple more Minvielle forced errors. Soon after, it was all over. In the end, Kevin Ithurria took the match in his hands at the most "clutch" moment possible, and delivered his team to the Final, which will be played Thursday, March 4, at Biarritz
If you want to see a nice microcosm of the match, which features fine play by all, watch the longest point (18 balls in play), linked to below.
Condensed full linescores (match winners always listed first)
Set 1
0-1; 1-1; 1-3; 2-3; 2-4; 3-4; 3-5; 4-5; 4-9; 5-9; 5-11; 8-11; 8-12; 9-12; 9-13; 11-13; 11-14; 12-14; 12-15
1 equal score, 0 lead changes, biggest run: 4 (4-5--4-9; E-M)
Set 2
0-4; 2-4; 2-5; 4-5; 4-6; 6-6; 6-7; 7-7; 7-10; 15-10
3 equal scores; 1 lead change, biggest run: 8 (7-10--15-10; I-L)
Tie Breaker
1-0; 1-1; 3-1; 3-2; 5-2
Tie Breaker point by point:
Point number: Server, Balls in play; Score, Player +/-; comment.
coin toss determined who served first.
1. Etcheberry (corrected March 3, 2021); 4; 1-0; Ithurria +; dejada (drop shot); Minvielle came first right then in about 80-85 feet and did get to it on the dead run, but couldn't hold on.
2. Ithurria; 2; 1-1; Ithurria -; dropped catch
3. Etcheberry; 6; 2-1; Minvielle -; dropped catch (off a beautiful falling rebote by Ithurria--a forced error)
4. Ithurria; 7; 3-1; Minvielle -; dropped catch (off an almost perfect Ithurria left wall shot, Minvielle leaped and got it in his cesta, but couldn't hold on)
5. Ithurria; 2; 3-2; Ithurria -; dropped catch
6. Etcheberry; 4; 4-2; Minvielle -; throws too high
7. Ithurria; 9; 5-2; Etcheberry -; dropped catch
Time Outs:
Set 1: Ithuria-Laborde, after the 4-8 point
Set 2: Etcheberry-Minvielle, after the 6-6 point
Full match scoring (mine, yours may be different)
Ithurria +10 (including 1 service ace) -7; Laborde +1 -5
Etcheberry +13 -11; Minvielle +2 -10
Serve intercepts; immediate winners/errors (+/-)
Ithurria 14 (+4 -0)
Etcheberry 11 (+3 -1)
Pasas (over serves, 2nd serve allowed)
Ithurria 1
Etcheberry 2
Total score: +26 -33 (.441)
Balls in play: 332
Non-error Percent: (BIP - errors) / BIP) (299/332): .901
Longest Point: 18 (video) (11:01): Set 1: (3-5--4-5) (Etcheberry serves)
Average BIP per point: 5.6
Time of the match: 70:53--1:10:53
Average Time per point: 72 seconds
Time of the match (minus set breaks): 57:32
Average Time per point (minus set breaks): 59 seconds