The 10th Sagardoaren Txapelketa begins on March 5 and ends with a Final on May 9. It is one of the longest and most grueling tournaments on the calendar. For the most part it combines Oriamendi2010 Group A and B players. There are 8 teams this year, 4 in Group A and 4 in Group B (Sagardoaren Groups). They each represent one of the Cider Houses in the area. The Tournament consists of a single round robin League. The top 2 finishers in each group will then advance to a 4 team Semi-Final League, another single round robin. The top 2 finishers advance to the Final. All matches are 40 point partidos. Most, if not all Sagardoaren matches will be "Star Matches" (the second of 4 matches on each program). Below you will find cumulative League and Semi-final League tables, cumulative Tournament scoring, match results, articles, analysis, and videos (when available), followed by Individual leader boards (updated after each match) for net scoring and service aces. At the bottom of the post you will find a a history of this tournament from 2011-2019, including match scores, articles, and videos (when available).
Note: source for all scoring, unless otherwise specifically stated, is the Oriamendi2010 match article accompanying that match.
Larre Gain: Ezkurra II-Zubiri (1-0; +1) 4
Gurutzeta: Goikoetxea V-Endika (0-1; -1) 2
Bereziartua: Urriza-Arruarte (0-1; -6) 1
Group B Table
Setien: Ansa II-Larranaga (1-0; +11) 4
Petritegi: Matxin III-Azpiroz (1-0; +5) 4
Oliazume Zar: Aldabe-Barrenetxea IV (0-1; -5) 1
Altzueta: Juanenea-Agirrezabala (0-1; -11) 0
Cumulative scoring: 3 matches that have complete scoring. 4 total matches: +174 (.767) -53 (.233)
March 12
Petritegi: Matxin III-Azpiroz (1-0; +5) 4
Group A Table
March 14
Larre Gain: Ezkurra II-Zubiri (B-B) 40
Gurutzeta: Goikoetxea V-Aizpuru III (substituting for Endika) (B-B) 39
Selected linescore: (winners always listed 1st)
14-14; 23-15; 24-20; 27-27; 30-37; 38-37; 38-38; 39-39; 40-39
=; +8; +4; =; +7; +1; =; =; +1
Runs: 9-1; 22-7; 8-0
Ezkurra II +18 -5; Zubiri +14(8a) -2(1f)
Goikoetxea V +14 -4; Aizpuru III +17(including 7 service aces) -4(including 1 service fault)
(Scores add to 40-38)
Total scoring for the match: +63 (.808) -15 (.192)
Match article
The final "Star Match" before suspension of all play at Galarreta due to the corona virus was an exciting and well played match that went to the final point. When 3 time champion Endika was replaced by Aizpuru III, it seemed that E-Z would have a big advantage. It wasn't easy, but with "red hot" Ezkurra II putting up a +13 net (+18 -5) and Zubiri racking up 8 service aces among his +14, as well as playing superb defense with only 1 in play error, Larre Gain was able to pull out a match they had under control, lost control of, and then produced a big run at the end to win. Ezkurra II, who returned from injury in late January and had an awful 1-7 start, won his 5th match in succession. A 9-1 run late in the 1st half of the match gave E-Z an 8 point lead. But G-A chipped away at it, equalizing at 27 with a 12-4 run (for a total of 22-7). A 10-3 run gave G-A a commanding 37-30 lead and visions of restricting E-Z to 1 or even 0 team points. E-Z were having none of that, and answered with a decisive 8-0 run to take a 38-37 lead. The teams split the last 4 points, which yielded equal scores at 38 and 39 before E-Z finally won. Aizpuru III, on short notice, had a monster offensive match, with +17 (including 7 service aces).
March 12
"Even for the first 20 points" ("egualado hasta el tanto 20); 21-17; 29-20; 40-29
Ansa II winners and Juanenea errors added to 24
Juanenea winners and Ansa II errors added to 22
Larranaga +12(including 5 service aces) -2
Garces +5(2a) -4
Setien (A-L got off the mark with a big win, keeping Altzeta (J-G) off the team scoreboard. It didn't start out that easily. The match article said it was an even match up to 20, with both fronts playing aggressive Remonte ("Dieron velocidad a la pelota con su poderoso golpe"). But A-L then took over the match, finishing by outscoring their opponents 19-12. The difference was mainly in the back where Larranaga (net +10) clearly outplayed Garces (+1), accounting for 9 of the 11 points that were the margin of victory.
Cumulative match scoring for 2 matches: +111 (.745) -38 (.255)
March 5
8-20; 32-15
Total scoring for the match: +55 (.733) -20 (.267)
Individual Leader Boards (Through March 14, 2019).
Point Differential
Key: Player; (Oriamendi Group; Tournament Group); Number of matches played for which scoring is available); +=winners -=errors; (differential--winners -errors)
Delanteros (Fronts)
Segurola (B-A) 1 +18 -1 (+17)
Urriza (A-A) 1 +22 -6 (+16)
Ezkurra II (B-A) 1 +18 -5 (+13)
Goikoetxea V (B-A) 1 +14 -4 (+10)
Matxin (A-B) 1 +14 -5 (+9)
Aldabe (B-B) 1 +13 -7 (+6)
Ansa II (B-B) 1 NO Data Available
Juanenea (B-B) 1 NDA
Zagueros (Backs)
Aizpuru III (B-A) 1 +17 -4 (+13)(2)
Zubiri (B-A) 1 +14 -2 (+12)
Azpiroz (B-B) 1 +15 -4 (+11)
Larranaga (B-B) 1 +12 -2 (+10)
Barrenetxea IV (A-B) 1 +13 -4 (+9)
Ion (A-A) 1 +11 -6 (+5)
Garces (B-B) 1 +5 -4 (+1)(1)
Arruarte (B-A) 1 +5 -5 (0)
1=Substituted for Agirrezabala on March 12
2=Substituted for Endika on March 14
Service Aces
Key: Player; (Oriamendi Group; Tournament Group); Number of matches played for which scoring is available); Service aces
Zubiri (B-A) 1 8
Aizpuru III (B-A) 1 7 (2)
Barrenetxea IV (A-B) 1 5
Larranaga (B-B) 1 5
Azpiroz (B-B) 1 3
Ion (A-A) 1 2
Arruarte (B-A) 1 2
Garces (B-B) 1 2 (1)
1=Substituted for Agirrezabala on March 12
2=Substituted for Endika on March 14
2019--Segurola-Endika 40 Ezkurra II-Garces (match article) (Full match video--EITB) (complete tournament match results)--(individual match articles)