This is a current awareness blog that links to the latest sources of information on Basque Pelota matches and Tournaments. It covers all of both North and South Basque modalities: Pro and amateur. It links to match stories, statistics and video highlights and/or full match videos. !!!NEW CESTA PUNTA PRO TOUR 2024 CESTA NADAU--DECEMBER 6, 13, 20, 2024---JAI ALAI LEAGUE (EREMAN!) WINTER SERIES--OCTOBER 2024--FEBRUARY 2025!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jai Alai/Cesta Punta--Cesta Punta Pro Tour Fall Tour (Iparralde--North Basque)--September 4-December 27, 2019



Cesta Punta Pro Tour, the entity that organizes the Saint-Jean-de-Luz Summer Masters partido tournaments, added a Fall Tour to its itinerary this year

8 Tournaments were scheduled between September 4 and December 27, 2019. The Tour ended with a  Champion of Champions match between the two highest ranking pairs at Saint-Jean-de-Luz shortly after Christmas. There were 2 Tours, an "A" group and a "B" group. This post covers only the A group tour, except for a video of the B group Final (see below). 

Calendar: Note: as of December 31, 2019, the calendar contains only a record of the final championship match. All of the other matches have been removed, a remarkably short sighted act by the organizers, who have wiped out any evidence of the earlier schedule or matches. Like many Internet content providers, they seem to have no idea that a thing has a history when it is over. And interested fans might want to research that history.
Not even a search at's "Wayback Machine" could find this calendar, as the final match was assigned to the exact address that the entire calendar originally was assigned to.  

One place to track these matches back is the Jai Alai News Facebook post, which lists all of the Tournaments and which seems to have a much better appreciation for archiving the sport than the organizers of this competition do. You can track back or search to get confirmation of match scores and whatever match stories are available, given the fact that the organizers provided nothing in the way of match stories themselves. It seems a curious way to promote an important set of tournaments that wonderfully filled in the Fall Calendar for a sport which, until now, in the Basque Country, was confined mainly to the Summer. 

Note: any match scores below that are not sourced originally appeared in the CCPT results pages. They are no longer available.

The Players -- Note: some of those listed already finished their 2019 CPPT commitment before this tour began.

Up to date Player rankings

As always, with a competition of this length, to follow it chronologically, read from the bottom up.

Videos are available for all 9 Finals (which were broadcast on Canal + and uploaded to the Cesta Punta World Tour Youtube site) in the Fall Tour. They are linked below. 

A FINAL win-loss table can be found at the bottom of this post. 


Tour Summary:

Jean Olharan, who was injured on his way to a possible championship in Mexico City and was hampered by that injury throughout the summer, finally recovered and was best front of the tour. He won 6 of 8 matches, including 3 Tournaments and the Final. His second loss came in the Biarritz 2 Final, when he had to play with a B group back, substituting for Etcheto (see below).

The  best back was Thibault Basque, who also won 3 Tournaments and the Final. His record was 7-2. He lost 2 of his first 3 matches and then finished with 5 consecutive wins.

Probably the most disappointed player was Nicolas Etcheto, who played very well when he played (4-1), but was injured during the course of the tour and missed out on 2 Finals, one of which was won by T. Basque, substituting for him, and another, who his partner Olharan lost with a Group B substitute to T. Basque. Had he been healthy, Etcheto would have almost certainly been in the Final.

The Tour was interesting in that only 7 of the 25 matches went to tie-breakers, but 5 of those were finals. 4 matches finished with the teams within 3 or less total points of each other.

Master Pro Final (A) and (B) (December 27)

Saint-Jean-de-Luz (Donibane Lohizune) (1) (2) (3)

There were 2 finals, both televised. The B final was played between the top 4 players on the "B" tour. There was next to no press coverage of the B tour, so there is no coverage of it here.


Match preview (Section Paloise--Raymond Cazadebat)

(15-13, 13-15, 5-2) (33-30) (Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)

Among the best points were these (links are directly to the points, use the back arrow to return here)

Set 2: Point 10 (21 balls in play) (begins with highlight of previous point)--note Olharan's apron net climb save, possibly the best play of the match.

Scoring for the entire match (see set by set breakdowns below).

A note on scoring. I always use scoring from other sources when it is available. I only score myself when it is not. My scoring is, obviously, subjective. Yours may be different. Canal +, for all matches, scores only the first set. They then provide "on the go" (i.e. during the set) cumulative winners scores for the second set and tie breaker, but no cumulative scores. The only match I scored was the Final.

Saves are exactly what they say, a catch and throw that saves a point, no matter the ultimate outcome. They are what I judge to be excellent plays and so are subjective and may differ from what you think is an excellent play. They include falling or on the knees rebotes, apron or wall climbs, other running on the apron catches, over the shoulder, saves from the back corner, wicked short hops, leaping, racing in to save a dejada, etc. You know one when you see it. A save can immediately turn into a winner. This is an experiment I am doing with all modalities to see what is "normal" for each. I hope it sparks interest in the defensive portion of the modality as that is every bit as crucial, in my opinion, as the great throws that win points. 

Olharan +14 -6; T. Basque +9 -7
Hormaetxea +12 -5; Inza + 5 -5

Intercepted serves that led to immediate points:

Olharan 3; Hormaetxea 7

Total scoring for the match: +40 (.635)  -23 (.365)

Balls in play: 380

Non-error %: .939

Saves: 77
Olharan 16; T. Basque 21; Hormaetxea 17; Inza 23

Saves % .203

Time of the match: 72:04

Average balls per point: 6.03
Average time (total--no "playing time" available) per point: 1:09

Condensed linescores (match winners always listed 1st)

Set 1

0-1; 1-1; 1-2; 3-2; 3-3; 4-3; 4-4; 5-4; 5-5; 6-5; 6-6; 9-6; 9-8; 10-8; 10-9; 11-9; 11-10; 12-10; 12-11; 13-11; 13-12; 14-12; 14-13; 15-13

6 equal scores; 1 lead change

Scoring (Canal +) 

Olharan +4 -5; T. Basque -4;
Hormaetxea +4 -4; Inza -6
Scoring adds to 14-13

My scoring:

Olharan +8 -4; T. Basque +2 -4
Hormaetxea +4 -2; Inza +1 -3
Scoring adds to 15-13

Intercepted serves that led to immediate points: 

Olharan 1; Hormaetxea 4

Balls in play: 145

Saves: 22: Olharan 6; T. Basque 4; Hormaetxea 4; Inza 8

Set 2:

0-1; 1-1; 1-3; 2-3; 2-6; 6-6; 6-8; 7-8; 7-9; 8-9; 8-10; 10-10; 10-11; 11-11; 11-13; 12-13; 12-14; 13-14; 13-15

4 equal scores; no lead changes


Olharan +5 -2; T. Basque +7 -2; 
Hormaetxea +7 -1; Inza +4 -0

Intercepted serves that led to immediate points:

Olharan 2; Hormaetxea 2

Balls in play:  203

Saves: 48: Olharan 9; T. Basque 16; Hormaetxea 10; Inza 13

Tie breaker:

2-0; 2-1; 4-1; 4-2; 5-2


Olharan +1 -0; T. Basque +0 -1
Hormaetxea +1 -2; Inza +0-2

Intercepted serves that led to immediate points: 

Hormaetxea 1

Saves: 7: Olharan 1; T. Basque 1; Hormaetxea 3; Inza 2

Match article (Jai Alai News Facebook)
Match article (Section Paloise--Raymond Cazadebat)

As has happened often in calender year 2019, a Tour or set of tournaments saved the best for last in this tense and exciting "Champion of Champions" match, pitting the highest scoring avant (front) and arriere (back) against the 2nd highest (see final "player" table above). In the end, after over an hour and a half struggle, O-B emerged victorious. The scores of the first 2 sets were identical, but the play was almost as different as day and night. Total scoring for the 1st set was +15 -13, for the 2nd set +23 -5. There were over 20 more saves in the 2nd set and over 55 more balls in play. In short, both teams started slowly and sluggishly, but picked up their games tremendously in the 2nd set. In fact, the 2nd set was one of the best played sets I have seen all season. 

There were 8 points of over 10 balls (2 over 20) in the 2nd set, 4 of over 10 (none over 20) in the 1st. Both sets were competitive, resulting in 10 equal scores (but only 1 lead change). The number of markers in the 2 linescores (43), along with the fact that the biggest lead in the match was 4 points (which was immediately erased), attests to closeness of the match, set by set and point by point.  

The tie breaker turned out to be a bit of an anti-climax, with 5 of the 7 points resulting from errors. Fatigue might have been a factor. The winners were delighted, the losers disappointed. But the fans were treated to some great cesta punta and were quite appreciative.


B. Gonzalez-G. Oyenard 0 (Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour)
(15-11, 15-14) (30-25)


Master Pro Pau--Xeme Cesta Nadau (1) (2) (November 29, December 6, 13)

Tournament Preview (La Republic des Pyrenees--Issuu format, 4p.)

December 13


P. Tambourindeguy-Etcheverry 0 (Canal + viaCesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube) 
(15-10, 15-7) (30-17)

Match article (Section Paloise--Raymond Cazadebat)
Match article (Jai Alai News Facebook)

December 6

2nd Semi-final

Olharan-Inza 2 Laduche-Etcheto 0
(15-14, 15-3) (30-17)

Selected linescores (match winners always listed 1st)

Set 1

8-8; 13-13; 14-14; (Laduche error) 15-14

Set 2

4-1; 8-2; 15-3

Match article (La Republic des Pyranees)

November 29

1st Semi-final

P. Tambourindeguy-Etcheverry 2
L. Garcia (substituting for Lesbats)-Ihitsague 0
(15-13, 15-9) (30-22)

Match article: (La Republic des Pyranees)
Note: this article had the scores 15-13, 15-10.


Master Pro Vallanave D'Ornon (1) (2) (November 9, 16)

November 16


Olha-(Manex) Urtasun 0 (Canel + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube full match video)
(15-10, 15-13) (30-23).

Match article, with 10 photos (Jai Alai News Facebook)

November 9


Hormaetxea-T. Basque 2
J. Tambourindeguy-Minvielle 0
(15-12, 15-14) (30-26)

Olha-(Manex) Urtasun 2
Egiguren-Amati 0
(15-5, 15-10) (30-15)

Source for both Semi-finals is the same as above


Master Pro Series Mauleon (1) (2) (November 1, 2, 10)

November 10


Egiguren-Amati 1 (Canel + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)
(4-15, 15-7, 5-4) (24-26)

November 2

2nd Semi-Final

Egiguren-Amati 2 Lesbats-(Manex) Urtasun 0
(15-11, 15-13) (30-24)

November 1

1st Semi-Final

P. Tambourindeguy-Etcheverry 2
J. Tambourindeguy-Minvielle 0
(15-13, 15-10) (30-23) 


Pro Tour Series Biarritz (1) (2) (October 24, 27, 31)

October 31


 (Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)
(11-15, 15-7, 5-1) (31-23) 

October 27

2nd Semi-Final

Olharan-Etcheto 2 Laduche-Ihitsague 0
(15-6, 15-8) (30-14)

October 24

1st Semi-final

Hormaetxea-T. Basque 2 Ohla-Inza 0
(15-4, 15-12) (30-16)


Pro Tour Series Donibane Lohizune (Saint-Jean-de Luz) (1) (2) (October 22, 25, 29)

October 29


Olharan-T. Basque (substituting for Etcheto) 2 
Egiguren-Minvielle 0 (Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)
(15-8, 15-7) (30-15)

October 25

2nd Semi-Final

Egiguren-Minvielle 2
Laduche-Amati 0
(15-8, 15-12) (30-20) 

October 22

1st Semi-Final

Olharan-Etcheto 2
P. Tambourindeguy-T. Basque 0
(15-11, 15-13) (30-24) 


Pro Tour Series Hossegor (1) (2) (September 14-27)

September 27


J. Tambourindeguy-Inza 2 Olha-Etcheverry 1 (Canal + viaCesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)
(15-8; 13-15; 5-0) (33-23)

Match article (with list of winners so far and schedule through the end of the year) (Jai Alai News Facebook)

September 20

2nd Semi-Final

J. Tambourindeguy-Inza 2
Laloo (substituting for Hormaetxea)-(Manex) Urtasun 0
(15-10, 15-4) (30-14) (Jai Alai News Facebook)

September 13

1st Semi-Final

Olha-Etcheverry 2
Lesbats-Oyenard (substituting for Ihitsague) 0
(15-10, 15-6) (30-16) (Hossegor Jai Alai Facebook)


Pro Tour Series Donibane Garazi (St. Jean-Pied-de-Port (1) (2) (September 14-15) 

September 15


(15-13, 15-13) (30-26) (Canal + viaCesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)

September 14


Laduche-Etcheto 2 Egiguren-Etcheverry 0
(15-10, 15-13) (30-23)

P. Tambourindeguy-(Manex) Urtasun 2
Hormaetxea-Inza 1
(15-10, 11-15, 5-1) (31-26)

I was unable to find any press coverage for this tournament.


Pro Tour Series Biarritz (1) (2) (September 4-11)
Source for all results: Jai Alai News Facebook, and Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube

September 11


(13-15, 15-12, 5-3) (33-30) (Canal + via Cesta Punta Pro Tour Youtube)

September 9

2nd Semi-final

Lesbats-T. Basque 2 Olharan-Amati 0
(15-9, 15-13) (30-22) 

September 4

1st Semi-final

Olha-Minvielle 2
J. Tambourindeguy-Ihitsague 1
(11-15, 15-13, 5-2) (31-30)

I was unable to find any press coverage for this tournament


FINAL TABLE: MATCH WINS-LOSSES; TOURNAMENTS WON (ordered by number of championships won)

B1=Biarritz 1; DG=Donibane Garazi (Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port); H=Hossegor; DL=Donibane Lohizune (Saint-Jean-de-Luz); B2=Biarritz 2; M=Mauleon; VO=Villanace d'Ornan; P=Pau-Cesta Nadau; F-FINAL--DONIBANE LOHIZUNE (Saint-Jean-de-Luz)

Avants (fronts)

Olharan              6-2 3: DL; P; F

Hormaetxea           4-2 2; B2; VO
Olha                 4-3 1; B1
P. Tambourindeguy    4-3 1; M
J. Tambourindeguy    2-3 1; H
Laduche              2-3 1; DG
Egiguren             2-4
Lesbats              1-3
Laloo                0-1
L. Garcia            0-1      

Arrieres (backs)

T. Basque            7-2 4; DL; B2; VO; F

Inza                 4-3 2; H; P
Etcheto              4-1 1; DG
Etcheverry           4-3 1; M
Minvielle            3-3 1; B1
Manex (Urtasun)      2-4
Amati                1-4
Toucoullet           0-1
Oyenard              0-1
Ihitsague            0-3
