MARCH 4, 2024
15-7, 15-12 (30-19)
Women's match begins at 0:00 on the video.
Linescores (match winners always listed 1st)
Set 1:
1-0; 1-1; 3-1; 3-2; 4-2; 4-3; 6-3; 6-6; 11-6; 11-7; 15-7
2 equal scores, 0 lead changes
Set 2:
2-0; 2-1; 3-1; 3-2; 6-2; 6-4; 7-4; 7-5; 9-5; 9-6; 10-6; 10-9; 11-9; 11-11; 13-11; 13-12; 15-12
1 equal score, 0 lead changes
Scoring (EITB)
Mugartegi +16 -5; Aldazabal +2 -1
Gogenola +10 -9; Merino +3 -3
Mugartegi: 8 Atzean (behind); 4 Moztuak (passing shots); 2 Sakez (service aces)
Aldazabal: 2 Atzean
Gogenola: 5 Atzean 2 Bi Paretak (2 walls); 2 Errestoan Tantoa (serve intercept/immediate kill)
Merino: 2 Atzean; 1 Bi Paretak
Total score: +31 -18 (.633)
M-A +18; 12 G-M errors (.600 winners)
G-M +13; 6 M-A errors (.684 winners)
Balls in Play (Deia)EITB did not provide full match BIP information
Non-error percent (BIP - errors) / BIP (313 - 18)/ 313 (.942)
Average BIP per Point: 6.4
Time of the match (Deia) EITB did not provide time. This is total match time, no actual playing time was provided.
Average time per point: 63.2 seconds
Note Erika Mugartegi was the star of a well played but rather one sided match. She had more winners than both of her opponents combined, putting them on the back foot throughout the match. M-A never trailed, and were only tied on 3 occasions. However, G-M put up a spirited fight in Set 2, coming back from 10-6 to 13-12 before finally succumbing. Both back court players were excellent, with only 4 errors between them, and the non-error percent for the match was over 94%, an excellent rate for any partido match.
Match Article (
Deia) (Igor Vigo) (Castilian). The article is accompanied by a photo gallery of 18 pictures.
Erika Mugartegi and Maialen Aldazabal, finalists of the Euskotren Women Winter Series
The forward of Markina and Maialen Aldazabal overcome Elaia Gogenola and Naroa Merino and reach the final of the Women
Winter Series
Igor G. Vico NTM
DURANGO | 04·03·24 | 21:45 | Updated at 21:48
The difference is called Erika Mugartegi. The Markina-Xemein forward, powerful and decisive, was the main protagonist of the second semifinal of the Euskotren Women Winter Series of the cesta punta played this Monday in an Ezkurdi fronton in Durango that presented a beautiful image, packed to the brim.
And it was the Biscayan who took the lead. She is the point scorer with the most punch of the four that appeared in the championship and she makes it count. The current holder of the txapela and Maialen Aldazabal sign up for the final next Monday on the same stage, where the local Helena Barrenetxea and Arai Lejardi, Mugartegi's countrywoman and with whom she won the scepter in 2023, await. One of the two will repeat the crown.
The amazing ability of the Markinarra to give speed to the ball both from the backhand and from the forehand was combined with the seriousness of her partner in the long frames to mix in a couple with hardly any cracks. Not even in the face of a duet without complexes and with a lot of self-confidence. It is true that Elaia Gogenola made mistakes, but it is no less true that Berriatua's forward showed out with really beautiful and elegant postures, as well as with excessive ambition when it came to seeking the goal. She is honest. She exuded personality. In Durango she was thanked for her permanent volcanic character in the cheerful paintings. In fact, Elaia, who wanted to take center stage, had flashes of a true figure both on the side and on the right. She also hit complicated balls. However, the mistakes ended up taking their toll on her in the semi-final.
Erika-Maialen 15/15
Elaia-Naroa 7/12
Duration: 51:37 minutes of play.
Serves: 4 by Erika.
Hits: 313 good hits.
Winners: 12 from Erika, 1 from Maialen, 10 from Elaia and 4 from Naroa.
Errors: 4 from Erika, 2 from Maialen, 9 from Elaia and 3 from Naroa.
First set score: 1-0, 1-1, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2, 4-3, 6-3, 6-6, 11-6, 11-7 and 15-7.
Second set score: 1-0, 2-0, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, 6-2, 6-4, 7-4, 7-5, 9-5, 9-6, 10- 6, 10-9, 11-9, 11-11, 13-11, 13-12 and 15-12.
Incidents: Match corresponding to the second semifinal of the Eusko Label Winter Series Tournament played at the Ezkurdi fronton in Durango. Full. In the semifinal of the Banakako Series, Aritz Erkiaga defeated Lekerika (12-3 and 12-5).
The reality is that luck eluded the yellow team and they suffered the siege of a more complete and solid Erika. Naroa Merino, Ihart Arakistain's substitute, assumed the role of playing outside her area, at the back, but the champagne bombardment caused her problems.
Mistakes and power
The first joko was cold. Erika took the helm of the game and looked for the long frames. Her merger with Aldazabal denoted a plan: look for Merino. Furthermore, Elaia experienced moments of anxiety that benefited her opponents. Erika and Maialen managed the score until 6-6. A stick from Elaia opened the bleeding. Mugartegi put the ball back to unbalance the set. They went 11-6. The 11-7 was a shot from Naroa wide. The woman from Tolosa tried a drop shot that went into the mattress and the Biscayans did not forgive. The 15-7 was a blow from the Markinarra.
In the second set, however, the yellows let go. The Berriatua forward arrived very brave. Although Erika and Maialen were ahead at all times (2-0, 6-2 and 9-5), for Elaia there is no such thing as surrender . They tied 11-11, but Mugartegi nailed a cut to return the advantage to the favorite side. The 13-11 score was a setback against the Markinarra team. Elaia drew a two-wall in the next return (13-12). Erika and Maialen did not forgive. 15-12 and to the final.
12-3, 12-5 (24-8)
Men's match begins at 1:04:35 on the video.
Linescores (match winners always listed 1st)
Set 1:
1-0; 1-2; 2-2; 2-3; 12-3
3 equal scores, 2 lead changes
Set 2:
0-1; 1-1; 1-2; 4-2; 4-4; 10-4; 10-5; 12-5
3 equal scores, 1 lead change
Scoring (EITB):
Erkiaga: +19 -2
Lekerikabeaskoa +6 -5
Erkiaga: 11 Bi Paretak (2 walls); 5 Atzean (behind); 1 Sakez (service ace)
Lekerikabeaskoa: 3 Atzean; 1 Dejadaz (drop shot); 1 Txik-Txak-Txula (hits back wall on bounce or in the air so low that it cannot be returned)
Total Score +25 -7 (.781)
Erkiaga +19; 5 Lekerikabeaskoa errors (.792) winners)
Lekerikabeaskoa +6; 2 Erkiaga errors (.750 winners)
No Balls in play or time data were provided by any source I found.
Erkiaga - who currently works at the Durango cesta punta school - offered a recital in the second of the semi-finals, with countless two walls before which the one from Gernika could do nothing. With 3-2 in his favor, Lekerika made a serve fault and from that moment on, he did not react at any time to the superiority of Erkiaga, who distanced himself with 7-3 in the first set. From there, it went straight to the final 12-3.
The second set played in the emblematic Durango fronton inaugurated in 1955 and reopened a little over a year ago, began more evenly. Lekerika wanted to make it difficult for Erkiaga and scored two goals that, supported by the chants of encouragement, the fans seemed to encourage him to get closer on the
scoreboard, but after the tie at four, Erkiaga went to 10-4 with ease, again offering a infinite amount of resources. He barely made a mistake in the entire game. With the final 12-5, Ispaster's showed that he is the current number one in the modality.
The final will be contested between Erkiaga and Johan Sorozabal, after the women's championship final.
FEBRUARY 26, 2024
15-14, 15-12 (30-26)
Women's match begins at 0:00 on the video.
Linescores (match winners always listed 1st)
Set 1:
0-4; 3-4; 3-5; 5-5; 5-7; 6-7; 6-9; 10-9; 10-10, 10-11; 14-11; 14-14; 15-14
4 equal scores, 3 lead changes
Set 2:
0-2; 2-2; 3-2; 3-3; 5-3; 5-4; 7-4; 7-5; 8-5; 8-6; 9-6; 9-9; 11-9; 11-10; 14-10; 14-12; 15-12
3 equal scores; 1 lead change
Scoring: Deia (EITB did not provide any cumulative scoring)
Barrenetxea +13 (including 4 service aces) -3; Lejardi +6 -4
Ortiz de Mendibil +15 (including 3 aces) -7; Watkins +4 -4
Total Score: +38 -18 (.679)
B-L +19 11 M-W errors (.633 winners)
M-W +19 7 B-L errors (.731 winners)
Balls in Play
Non-error percent (BIP - errors) / BIP (293 - 18) / 293 (.939)
Average Balls per Point: 5.2
Time of the match (Deia--total time only, actual playing time was not given): 56 minutes
Time per point: 60 seconds
Note: This was an extremely close, entertaining match, played in front of 500 fans. The largest lead in the entire match was 4 points and, as the above statistics demonstrate, it was a very well played match.
Match article: (Jai Alai News Facebook, Basque, includes 13 photos) (Note: you do not have to be a Facebook user to link to this address. If you are asked for your Facebook user name, simply click on the circled X).
Take it!
Euskotren Winter Series, 1st day
HELENA-ARAI vs MAITE-FRIDA: 15-14, 15-12
Beautiful atmosphere at the Ezkurdi fronton in Durango during the second edition of the Women Winter Series. 500 fans joined this cold Monday, improving the number of last year's premiere and those who were there did not regret the game they saw. The four protagonists have played a very competitive and hard-fought match, they have offered a great show and they have also shown that they have raised the level of their game this year. Good news for women's cesta punta! The people stood and applauded the four protagonists.
We have a good game and show, because Berrenetxea, Lejardi, Ortiz de Mendibile and Watkins showed a cheerful game and a good level. The latter is the youngest of the four and also from the tournament, together with Erika Mugartegi, they are both 16 years old.
The yellow couple gave a better start to today's final. They started 0-4 before, with Maite and Frida aggressive and scoring with the right. The first goal of the brown pair was scored by Barrenetxea from Durango, who looked for the ball well and finished behind (1-4). They maintained this advantage until the last round, but the browns came from behind. Thanks to Barrenetxea, they have come together. Maite hit the double wall, Helena guessed and finished very well with the same play (8-9). After drawing at nine. Lejardi scored a very difficult ball in the open area and finished it with his right hand (10-9). The people of Bizkaia were in front, but the Araba and Gipuzkoans held firm. From ten, Maite elegantly on the plate. From 10-11, Frida held well and Lejardi missed. From the line-up, a great drop from Arai Lejardi, who quickly threw two walls with her right hand. That's where the people of Bizkaia took the lead until 14-11. This was a great score, the four scored really excellent balls and got the public on their feet. But do not give up on them. 14-12, Maite strong with a return. 14-13, Maite's awesome serve to the rebound. 14-14 the same Araba on the badge. Fourteen on the scoreboard, great emotion on the court, the crowd enjoying themselves and finally the home player, Helena Barrenetxea, scored the goal that decided the set. After getting the ball in, the Durango player throws it quickly, gives life to the game and played a well-rounded game today.
The second game also started with a draw, but after the 3-3, the maroons took the lead, up to 7-4. Helena's task was to avoid the Araba striker. Maite presents great danger. She hurts a lot with the right. She is brave and has also been excellent with the serve. They have done well, but the browns have done a little better in defense. Lejardi is a guarantee of safety. She almost never misses a ball, she delays it very well with the return and always places the ball with intention with her right hand. The 9-6 was hers, rejected on the left wall and the 9-7 of Watkins, making the same play. They managed to tie the score at nine, but Maite made two mistakes in a row, at a bad moment, and Helena from Durango made some incredible plays. 12-10 with a wall double with the right hand, and 14-10 on the rebound a beautiful double wall. Zesta fans in the stands were enjoying the game, but Maite and Frida did not immediately give up. They narrowed the game to 14-12 but in the end they could not turn the difference. Lejardi, the champion of Markina-Xemeine has decided the set, the match and the classification for the final.
Today, the women's puntistas stood up in the front of Durango and the cesta punta fans greeted the four players with applause on their way to the locker room. They gave a great show. Next week, Elaia Gogenola and Naroa Merino will compete against Erika Mugartegi and Maialen Aldazabal.
Johan wins
In the Individual Series, in the match between Lapurti, Johan Sorozabal prevailed over Ludovic Laduchi, 12-10 and 12-3. Next week, Erkiaga against Lekerika.
12-10, 12-3 (24-13)
Men's match begins at 1:07:40 on the video.
Linescores (match winners always listed 1st)
Set 1:
1-0; 1-1; 3-1; 3-2; 8-2; 8-5; 9-5; 9-8; 10-8; 10-10; 12-10
2 equal scores, 0 lead changes
Set 2:
1-0; 1-1; 5-1; 5-2; 7-2; 7-3; 12-3
1 equal score; 0 lead changes
I could not find any statistical data for this match.